Monday, August 19, 2024

What a terrible way to wake up!

 I fell asleep pretty normally, woke up a few times.  When I woke up around midnight I turned on the dryer.  I didn't want to have the dryer and the AC going at the same time yesterday.  

After Ron died I would wake up every day and remember he was dead.  It was the most ghastly thing; and it happened every day.  It was worse than finding him dead; it's like he died again every morning.  This went on for months.  

It happened again today.  It is very depressing.  

I gave my name to Buddy knowing he might find the blog.  I don't want him reading this I want to be "over" Ron.  But my parents tell me death is something you get through, you don't get over it, and something like this is very common.  

And 99% of the time I feel like I'm ready to move on.  

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