Thursday, August 8, 2024

I don't know if it is my natural nature or my disability

 But I am an optimist and a romantic at heart.  I am also very loyal which I think is a blessing and a curse.  Why do I stay with the terrible boss when everyone else on the team has quit?  Because I'm loyal, I've been an employer, I can put myself in her shoes.  

Why do I have hope someone with my personal life can have love one day?  Because I'm a romantic, and an optimist.  I really think The Right Guy is going to come in my life one day.  

My problem I'm too trusting.  That was written in a report about me 33 years ago and I HATED it at the time.  But I have to admit he was right.  

So I have to "get hard" while keeping my heart open, not always an easy prospect.  

And I'm off to work.  

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