Sunday, August 18, 2024

Very early Sunday

 When I was a kid I got really sick at least once every winter.  I would have a terrible fever, no appetite, etc.  Mom always talks about me lying in bed with the wet washcloth on my head, how she'd get to the point of taking me to the ER, find me out of bed with my head in the fridge eating everything I could find.  Every time, she said.  

As I got older I could take adult remedies and I was always impressed with the cold medicine.  The antihistamine would knock me out  for hours.  I recently figured it was chlorpheniramine maleate.  Yesterday I found some cold medicine that had that in it.  I still have some congestion and coughing due to the allergies.  And it had "the good stuff".  Sleep is always an issue for me so I took it when I went to bed.  

I slept a little better, and woke up very thirsty, but not enough I'd repeat it.  Oh, well.  I need to start working out again.  I am very active 12-17K steps every day but I think a formal workout in addition would help me sleep better.  If I recollect I slept great when I did work out often.  

I am finishing up the laundry today, then cooking for meal prep.  I have pork chops, chicken thighs, spaghetti, etc.  

I also changed the sheets which should help the allergies significantly.  

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