Tuesday, August 13, 2024

It is better to wait

 Than to be treated badly.  

Earlier this year at work there was a very friendly and attentive guy at work.  Employees know where to find me I can say that much.  He was making a point of coming by to talk and eventually get a hug on his way into work.  And he asked if I was single, then for my number which I gave him.  I just started feeling SICK about 10 seconds after he walked off but it was too late.  

And when he texted it was along the lines of you're hot, I love you, let's hook up.  It was pretty awful explaining it was way too soon for any of that and I'm born again and not having sex until I get married.  I finally said I think this is a bad idea and blocked him.

He ended up leaving the store not sure if he was fired or quit.  

I got off easy that could have gone really bad.  I already have one stalker.  I got off easy.

I have given my number to one trusted man.  Either he will call or he won't.  I would be curious if someone gave me their number and would want to do some investigating.  So I gave him my first and last name as well so he can if he wants.  He may read this very post.  

He did mention the age difference so I think that's the issue.  And I would rather find out that's an issue when we are still at the "good to see you" stage and not more involved.  I have baggage.  That will have to come up with any man but I don't think I need to share that at this point.

I honestly don't know my odds of finding anyone to be honest.  Jesus may come back so soon it won't matter anyway.

That's it for now; if I date it is going to be a good, quality, guy. I won't settle.  

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