Monday, August 12, 2024

Monday, but really my Friday night

 Work was busy.  

My boss wants me to do whatever she asks and I've told her I will "as long as it's within the 10 commandments" she laughed and said she could manage that.  So occasionally, and more often lately, they have me working "other" jobs in addition to my primary.  They had me do that this morning.  The day shift is happy to have the help; they mentioned that to the night people.  

The night people tend to be more insular and are not above back stabbing and sabotage if they think you are making them look bad; happened today.  I don't care, I did everything I was asked.  

But the one employee (not a manager) was so abusive I practically FLED.  

I bought myself a $1 frozen microwave pizza which I just had for dinner, it was not bad with a few drops of hot sauce and some extra cheese.  I like to doctor things like that.  

Many years ago I read what I consider to be one of the best books on communication, right after "How to Win Friends and Influence People".  "Contact: the First Four Minutes" and it basically said the first 4 minutes of any interaction set the tone for the whole day.  

So, say Buddy pulls up and opens the door, he smiles at me, I get on.  I'm snarling and whining about backstabbers.  What kind of impression is that going to make?  Not a good one.  

So I got on positive "Thank God for getting me out of here it is so good to see you, how have you been?"  and later on I mentioned the backstabbers in passing.  We had a good talk, hardly anyone on the bus.  

The early bus was there when I crossed the street but when she saw me she started laughing, waved, and left.  I think Buddy and I - people know, they're not stupid.  I try not to talk about him to other drivers because that's his business too.  They know there is something, a spark at least on my side, and I am happy to wait in the hot sun for a while if it means I get to see him.  And she finds that cute.  So she has figured it out if no one else, that I am interested.  

I can't speak for him, the only thing he said in that vein today 'Not everyone is nice like you are".  Anyway last time I mentioned I waited, in passing, but I did not today.  She can tell him if she wants. She may tease him about it, but let it come from someone else.  

I have a stalker and I do not want to BE one.  For instance, I know where he will be tomorrow but I'm not going to find him.  That, to me, would be creepy.  Unless I were invited.  

I told him I had decided to go get pupusas on my day off, after I got paid.  He said "Pupusas, huh?" and I said yes, I had narrowed it down to a food truck or a gas station, and where one was on the bus.  He asked about my days off (asked a couple times actually) and I told him.  He asked what I had planned tomorrow and I told him basically sleep late (7ish, I said) with the cats and he laughed.  

He picked up a mentally ill homeless guy who tried to sit right next to me (on a nearly empty bus) and then attempted to put his head in my lap as Buddy laughed.  I got up VERY quickly and stood up as close to Buddy (about 4 feet) as possible.  I had my eye on that guy the whole time.  

We got to the transit center and I thought 'I'm free" and I get off and go to my homebase bus stop.  And there's an oddball white guy there, a little older than me, with the face of a bully.  

Years ago I had to work with someone who was a bully, he had been "big man on campus" in college and the work place and he was used to getting his way.  At one point he screamed curses at me and threw me into a wall and got away with it.  So I was watching this guy because I got the same "hit" and I trust my gut.  

And, sure enough, he got up (he had been sitting) and followed me around for about 20 minutes.  Everywhere I went he would drift over, staring intently at my face.  I kept moving away, keeping him at least 12 feet away.  He finally gave up and sat down but unfortunately he and his trash bag got on my home base bus.  He kept watching me.  

It was bad enough I almost took his photo but I thought he didn't seem very stable and he might act out if I did that.  But I was alert.  Happily he got off before I did, I was worried about him following me home but he did not.  

I got off, verified I was alone, and walked home.  

That's it for now!  

He has my number if he wants to call.  

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