Thursday, August 22, 2024

I reached a conclusion at work

 Work and commute were not bad.  Ace got me home right on time.  God bless him, I need to pray for him more.  

I was at work on my last break looking at a photo of Cleo on my phone, thinking how much I love her, and what I could do to show that.  And I concluded I had some very nice cans of "Special Kitty Mixed Grill" in the 5 ounce, I could give her one when I got home.  

I thought that sounded like a splendid idea so I did that even before I took my shoes off and washed my hands.  

She appreciated it.  

I texted my aunt and talked to my Dad.  It was a long day but I'm done, tomorrow is only 6 hours.  I am impressed God and Cleo got me through it considering I was sick all night to say the LEAST.  Oh that was awful.  Not only was I sick and vomiting I didn't sleep either.  But God dragged me through it.  

I think I'll go to bed early tonight.  I can always have "fun" tomorrow morning before I go to work.  

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