Monday, August 26, 2024

I made it through Monday

 I felt bad for my first driver.  I could see my second bus leaving as we approached the intersection.  "Which one are you catching?" She asked.  I told her and said it was ok at least I knew.  

She was very nice but NOT coming back.  I don't see the harm - this is easily found online - but the next bid isn't until January.  So whoever I get on any of my routes will only be there 4 months.  

I don't know about Buddy I would say probably 1 in 4 odds he comes back.  He is very low key and seemingly unfazed by the crazy train.  We will see.

I soaked some lentils.  I need to cook them tonight.  I am thinking of dividing them and doing half with some cumin and onion - a middle eastern take; and the other half either a traditional curry with potatoes or maybe just onion, black pepper, tomato sauce.  

Remember I am pretty allergic to garlic.  

Waiting on my last bus.  He was nice enough to let me on early.  

That's it for now.  

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