Saturday, August 24, 2024

Most of Saturday

 So I took my shower with the clarifying shampoo and no conditioner, let it air dry about 90% and finished it with the hair dryer.  I am just not a hairdryer person but I was remembering my teenage years when I could put my head upside down, blow dry my hair, and get the big hair look so coveted in the early 90's.  I would use a little mousse at the roots if I recall correctly.  

I did the henna, wrapped my head in plastic, put a shower cap on top of that, and laid down for a while.  I am pretty blind without my glasses.  I was able to adjust my phone so I could send a few text messages (I fixed it back when I was done) but that was about it, no computer use for sure and I didn't want to watch SVU.  So I laid down.  

I had a headache when I woke up this morning so I took some Excedrin.  Usually I take it on an empty stomach.  Well my stomach didn't like that much.  The headache came back so I thought "I'll have a nice little chunk of cheese with the headache pills and that will make it OK".  

It didn't work and a few hours later saw a return of the cheese and a whole lot of diet iced tea as well.  Happily I did have my bucket at hand.  I had just rinsed out the henna - that takes a while, about 15 minutes, and then I condition it which gets out the last of the henna, let that sit about 5 minutes (I clip my hair up when I'm conditioning and always leave it a while).  My hair is very soft so I'm glad I did that.  

I'm not sure if Suave still makes the rosemary peppermint shampoo and conditioner but I used the conditioner for that, I had about a third of a bottle and thought I might as well use it on this.  Overall I am happy with Suave products.  

I did read I shouldn't use keratin or protein shampoos and conditioners when I'm using a henna which means I'll have to do some hunting after I get paid, see what the store has in stock.  Maybe the Tresseme because the Suave color care line has keratin.  

Once I got through throwing up, cleaned that up, blew my nose several times, went back to bed with Biscuit.  He has been an awesome cuddle cat today.  Him, primarily.  I did see Spotty and Cleo but Biscuit was bapping Cleo when she tried to lay on my chest.  

Well, he was here first.  

I'll put up a picture of my hair after it's dry.  

I was going to do some cooking but that's out.  I did manage to get the laundry but forgot my vest.  So I'll do that with the towels I guess.  

I hear we (Walmart) are going back to the navy blue vest which would be great, it shows dirt less, and the color is something you can face every day, it also matches pretty much any clothing items.  I have some cute lavender jeans but they look awful with the bright blue vest.  

The cats have been awesome today; I want a man in my life (not for sex, not mainly) but the cats give me plenty of love in the meantime.  And if God has someone for me he will love the cats as much as I do.  

That's it for now!  

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