Friday, August 9, 2024

Last post Friday night

 It was crazy tonight.  

One nice thing about killing comments I can be vulnerable without the hate.  Love it or leave it I have to be me.  Someone's going to love what they find one day.  Not you, pest.  

Anyway, I found this on my way out tonight: that's 2 for 2.  

She literally dropped it right in front of me.  I had to guard it, I saw another employee and yelled for help, he was on the clock wearing his vest, he literally ran away.  Both janitors were on their lunch at the same time I don't know whose genius idea THAT was... 

I ended up calling my boss not the scary one.  

Then I heard a pallet jack behind me.  I stopped him and explained the situation and he was happy to wait.  

I had texted Ace about this and he said no rush.  He was very nice when I did get out there.  I will see him tomorrow morning I made sure to thank him for saving me an hour and a half on the bus and he said "no problem".  

It's going to be an interesting weekend.  

Oh I got my electric bill it is $100.

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