Monday, July 29, 2024

I think I was too subtle

 Putting the phone # in a bag of candy.  So today I plan to ask him if he saw (describe).  If he says yes I know.  If he says no I can proceed from there.  

I made him his own bowl of Creole cream pasta with sausage and grilled onions.  I put a bottle of water in the freezer and that can keep it cold.  

I also have my own bowl for lunch.  If it's a migraine trigger for some reason it will only affect me on my day off.  I like to do new foods that way as a good 80% of my migraines track back to something I ate.

I don't know what you call this or even if it is anything but he matters, a lot.  My day gets better when he's around and that smile knocks my socks off.  He has also said repeatedly he likes spending time with me.  

We will see.  This is not a meet on Grindr jump into the sack sort of thing.  But I am continually impressed he put 2 bids in to come back to see me, on the CHANCE he would.  The passengers on this route are hideous.  No one signs up for this twice much less 3 times.  That impresses me a lot more than a steak dinner and a bottle of champagne.  

Or he may just be a nice guy and this all means nothing.  I hope to find out today, always remembering "Anything I say can and will be used against me" by the nut jobs who ride with me.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good luck tonight.