Wednesday, July 31, 2024

I'm an acquired taste.

 I had what I consider a pretty good morning.  I got up did house things for a while, Bible study, etc.  I got dressed in my "gangster cats" t shirt and denim shorts that DO NOT show my butt, and got the hand cart.  I made it all the way to the bus stop before I realized I probably should have thrown a cold pack in the insulated tote bag.  

I caught the bus and rode up to the Asian market.  The proprietor was not happy to see my hand cart but I explained I would be parking it "here" and using "your" cart, she was OK after that.   

I wanted to look at their fish and meat, the vegetables, and kitchen gadgets, sauces, and find some lobster ramen.  I have a shellfish allergy - a pretty violent one.  I was horrified to find a whole aisle of crab paste and sauces.  They also had crab in the fish section of the market so I couldn't get any fish even though it looked good.  I concluded, seeing all this, I can't take the chance of ever eating Vietnamese cooking.  

I did buy some Asian veggies, black bean garlic paste, lobster ramen, I always try to get a cold bottle of jasmine green tea, some ground beef, and a mystery meat that appeared to be boneless skinless chicken thighs.  The sign was in Vietnamese but the price was good so I pointed at it.  Turns out it is pork tenderloin but that will be good for dinner.  I paid up, put everything in my insulated tote bag, went out to the bus stop.  

I rode to the next grocery store, bought a bag of candy, a frozen ground turkey chub, turkey kielbasa, tomato sauce, garlic (I plan to make turkey spaghetti for a friend who has dietary restrictions).  I got celery and frozen stir fry veggies for stir fry.  

The budget did not allow a purchase of olive oil but I can use the coconut oil I have at home.  Since I had a lot of ground beef I got a can of spaghetti sauce for me, and a can each of black beans, and corn, for Taco Casserole.  I could squeeze a tub of sour cream in there, too.  And of course a gallon of milk so I can make my protein shakes.  

I didn't have a long wait to go home  I was waiting and there was a young man standing behind me at the bus stop.  He was a youngish black guy, hair in twists, black hoodie and khaki cargo pants, work boots.  He said he had just had a job interview.  We chatted a little about the bus and I showed him how the app works (Houston Metro has a "One" app for passengers).  I had two bottles of cold soda, one I was drinking and another one not easily visible in my cart.  He mentioned he wished he had time to run back to the store to get a cold drink as that hoodie was (stifling).  I said, it's not cold, but it's COLDER than this (waving at ambient air) and offered it to him.  He said thank you and drank half of it in one gulp.  

And I didn't once think about the guy who attacked me.  The bus came.  

I find it interesting with my local route, the drivers on my local tend to stick around they just move their shift times a little here and there, every 6 months, but they don't leave.  This was a lady I had ridden with off and on for YEARS.  We chatted a little and she took me to my stop.  

I got off, it was getting hot.  I took the cart home and put up the cold stuff.  I took a short nap and will be doing dishes, cooking, etc all afternoon.  

That's it for now.  

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