Monday, July 29, 2024

I am very protective of Buddy

 So I'm not going to say anything.  

He came, I got on the bus, I handed him the meal.  

Now, last week, I had talked about making a stir fry with squid.  So I said "It's not the squid" and sat down.  He started poking around "Better not take out that baggie" I said "It's got cheese powder that's white.  I wanted you to have your own choice on whether you put it in or not".  Then I told him I liked it better with the cheese.  We both had a laugh at the thought of the supervisor catching him with a bag of white powder.  I explained what I had cooked and we started talking.  

I had to stand for about 15 minutes but worth it.  I was able to sit.  Then, the complication.  I can't say what but we couldn't talk any more all the way to the end of the line.  I had a window at one point of about 10 seconds.  

I thought how I hate regret.  Like the song says:

I had written a note with my first and last name, phone number, and an instruction to text first so I'd know it was him.  I signed it with my first initial.  I grabbed it and ran up front, handed it to him.  

A LOVELY smile "What's this?" 

"I want you to have this before I lose my nerve" and I ran back to my seat.  He opened it!  Then!  In my head he didn't do this until he was alone an hour from now.  He looked at it for a while, folded it back up, put it in his pocket.  

At the end of the line he said "See you later' and I told him to be safe (I say that to people I care about when we part).  Then I went to wait with the manic half naked guy for the other bus.  

He has that number now.  What he does with it is up to him.  

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