Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Comments are off

 Because The Pest is a vicious, spiteful little bitch and hasn't learned her lesson: You have a voice here if I give it to you, and it you can't say something nice you won't be allowed to speak.  

He had told me yesterday he was in his mid 30's.  He likely wants children.  

I don't think I could even foster with my history.  You sign up for me you are signing up for a lot of baggage, AND no children.  

I was aware of that.  I also thought I would leave it up to him.  I did.  

He didn't call.  So I have to assume that, while he likes me, he's not looking for anything else.  And that is honestly OK.  I want him to be happy, I want him to get saved, I want him to be healthy, happy, and loved.  However that's meant to happen.  He's a good guy, I wish him the best, and I will keep talking to him.  

I will, however, adjust my expectations.  I would ideally like to date a guy about my age, or younger.  I am not looking for an older man again.  10 years or so would be OK I think but no more, I've done that and I'm just not up for more caregiving.  I have an all or nothing personality on that and I crashed and burned with Ron.  

I have thought about it some and I would definitely be interested in dating a bus driver, doesn't have to be him.  They are all great guys, hard working, stable, background check, etc.  

So it's funny, I went to sleep around 8, woke up around midnight, went back to sleep, woke up at 4.  That is actually a pretty good sleep history for me.  I have been cutting back on the caffeine and, as I told Buddy yesterday when we could talk, I might start working out again just to sleep better at night. 

Fitbit says I got 8 hours of sleep that's not bad.  Normally I get 5 or 6.  

I had a bad combination of bills and reduced pay due to the hurricane.  So I had to cut out the diet soda the last several days.  I plan to keep that up unless I am battling a migraine that day or something.  

That's it for now.  

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