Saturday, July 27, 2024

2 days to go!

 I told two of my team leads I am happy to work weekends if: 

1. You give me some notice, I can't just come in if you call.  

2.  You give me 2 days together in the middle of the week.  

Pretty reasonable, I think.  

My mailman has been pretty hard to crack.  I have been trying to find a way to reach out to him but nothing until tonight.  

He's a white guy, thin, the kind that wears black acrylic socks with his uniform shorts, pulled up to his knees.  I waved at him as I came down the street, stopped, and said "I work retail.  Is it just me or is it like dog years working with the public on a weekend?"  

He stood up, turned around, took off his sunglasses, looked at me, and belly laughed for a good minute, wiped his eyes, and said YES, then grinned at me.  That was fun.  

That's it for now.  

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