Monday, July 15, 2024

Power is back

 I saw Buddy again today.  He was very apologetic he wasn't going to get me to the early bus and I told him that didn't matter.  We had a nice talk (inconsequentials as that route is riddled with nutcases), I caught my connecting bus and got to the neighborhood.  

I heard generators so I thought "Oh crap".  I saw a neighbor who said he didn't have power.  

I saw two power company trucks going by, I waved at them, blew kisses, and grinned, one guy elbowed another and they all (3 of them in the truck) waved back, laughing.  I did that with the second truck.  

Remember I believed at that point I didn't have power.  

Imagine my DELIGHT when I walked in and heard a fan going, I had left it plugged in so I'd know when the power came back.  I wanted to chase down those workers and give them a big hug.  

I AM very glad I acted the way I did.  I have realized I have to be myself.  That may offend some, like my stalker.  That is fine, she is entitled to her opinion.  But I have to live honestly.  

If that means giving Buddy my phone number I'm going to do it.  If that means blowing kisses at probably the most hated group in Houston right now (line men) I'm going to do it.  I have to be honest.  I can't live my life leaving things undone.  

Life is too short for that and the only thing I'm taking out of here are my actions.  

On that note, I'm going to bed.  

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