Tuesday, July 23, 2024

So that was interesting

 I got to work OK even though traffic is somewhat heavier on the busy street outside of my subdivision.  

Work was fine and the stir fry held up well.  I did feel the snow peas were a little overcooked (my fault) so next time I will pick them out of the frozen veggies and adding them later.  

I heated up the stir fry for about a minute and a half and gave it a nice squirt from the lemon wedge which was perfection.  It was good, filling, not too heavy which is good as I had to zone after lunch.

I got out to the bus stop.  I had made Buddy some spaghetti.  I gave that to him when I boarded and he was thrilled.  

He told me he had to tell me what happened last week and he did.  He said the worst part of it was realizing he wouldn't see me.  I thought that was incredibly sweet.  

We had a great chat on the way home.  For once we had normal people on the bus so he told me a little about his Dad who sounds like a great guy and a hard worker.  

I told Buddy a little about Walmart's disaster relief program for associates.  His mother works at a Walmart but unclear if it is a Houston one.  

At any rate when I got home I applied for the $200 grocery replacement program.  Then I wrote up directions which I will photocopy, pass out at work, and also give a copy to Buddy in case his Mom does live in Houston.  Everyone here had some sort of loss and she probably lives paycheck to paycheck.  

I woke up at 2 AM yesterday and did some cleaning before I got started.  I finished my application this morning and will do the litter boxes before I take my shower.  I like to do it in that order.  

It's going to rain a lot this week so they need a nice box.

I saw Cleo last night when it began pouring.  She ran in the house yelling she is sick of this (censored) shit.  I felt bad for her.  And I was on the phone which she hates so she just crouched in the bed cussing me out with very loud and pissed off meows 

I never really thought much about cat's emotional health.  But they are all pretty profoundly affected by the storm and a week of generators.  

It really me makes me feel horrible having them live with Ron that must have been as bad for them as it was for me.  

3:30 AM the party is just starting.  

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