Sunday, July 14, 2024

I keep finding spiders in the house

 Including a wolf spider in the kitchen.  The cleaning spray had killed it, good to know.  

I saw Cleo last night.  She likes to creep into bed with me like a little child, meow for pets, and lick my hands.  I can always tell it's her from the licking.

Spotty is in the laundry room today so I've left the door open.

Biscuit is obviously overheated but hanging in there.  I have 3 huge water bowls out for them.

The generators are roaring incessantly except when they run out of gas.  

I did a load of underwear, my favorite bra, and a couple performance t shirts in a bucket.  That works.  I have it hanging up all over. 

I am tired!  I was horrified to check my schedule and see they have me EIGHT DAYS IN A ROW at the end of the month.  I guess I will see if Buddy works the same route on the weekend.

I'm not sorry I gave him my number but have decided to focus more on agape love - God's love for everyone - right now.  For instance last week at work I gave a beleaguered woman a hug.  That is important.

I left a snack in the mailbox with a tank you note and they TOOK IT.  That is important.  

I need to decide if I want to talk about the lineman or not.  But I will say I told him we love him for coming and thanked him.  

Oh it is oppressive!  

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