Sunday, July 28, 2024

Out of sequence, very early Sunday morning

 I slept pretty well last night, I've found I can do alright if I get a solid 6 hours.  

The one boss is definitely not working today.  

Things I can't reveal about my job due to the pest.  God forbid I don't want to get tracked down.  

For a long time I have had women talking online about skeevy guys on Facebook.  One talked about getting nude photos of male genitalia.  

I've never gotten any of that, since the pest tracked me there I can say my profile photo has me handing out Bibles, clearly obese, in a very loud orange safety t shirt.  Not exactly "bringing back sexy" as I like to joke when I'm wearing my poncho.  

Also I believe I have a very strong wholesome vibe with the ponytail, glasses, and a "sweet" face vs. a sexy one.  I don't wear makeup either, not that seems to have bothered a few guys.  

Anyway I got a message on Facebook this morning, an obese white man with a mustache saying I was cute.  I got a very strong pervy vibe.  No, thank you.  

When I talk about Buddy to my work friends and aunt they asked what he looked like and I described him.  He is not thin but he is in good shape, you have to be to strap down those wheelchairs and jockey a bus all day for a 12 hour shift.  

I'm not thin, either.  Maybe we could do keto together although he would probably "beat" me if we did.  He's not old either.  My stepmother, when I did mention him back in June, was very concerned he was some old dude.  He's not, he's what I would say significantly younger.  It doesn't seem to faze him, though.  

I have to take my shower.   


Anonymous said...

So does he like cats, and what about religion? I do have to giggle when you say "your love life." Has he called you yet? Your relationship consists of bus rides. Are you sure he's not gay? I'm serious, unless you ask him out how long are you going to wait for him to make a move?

Heather Knits said...

Making moves today. I'm off tomorrow so that's all he gets.

He likes cats, likes dogs too and has asked me repeatedly if I would ever get a dog. I said yes as long as it was cat friendly, and I had more time to spend with it. There are some very sweet little mutts out there.

Religion direct quote " He reads everything I give him and he is thinking about it."

I get on the bus after a very long day, waiting in the heat and sun. Doesn't seem to faze him. The way he looks at me he's not gay!

Anonymous said...

Ok, I just hope it works out to bring joy into your life. We all need something to look forward to.