Wednesday, July 24, 2024

He didn't wear the perfume today

 My coworker, the Asian guy who starts work at 2.  

I am required to take my lunch at 1 and go zone at 2.  So I was trapped in there with him and that horrible White Musk.  But I talked to a guy who knew him and Jose said he would explain.  

And, sure enough, he did.  Not a whiff, and he was there!  

When I saw Jose's wife I almost wept for joy thanking her, she laughed.  I think that's one thing people like about me I am real with them.  She could tell I meant every word I said.  

I did the zone.  

Now as you may know most of Houston lost power for an entire week in the middle of summer.  Have you given any thought to what that did to our refrigerators?  The stench?  

I told Dad tonight, if Arm and Hammer, and Walmart, were smart they would make PDQ (basically pallets meant to go in the middle of the aisle with disposable shelving for pdq sales) of those "Fridge Fresh" containers we could sell a pallet a day I bet.  I helped a couple of customers find them on the shelf.  

EVERYONE has a reeking fridge and freezer.  I used a roll of Shop Towels and a bottle of Cloralen spray cleaner with bleach to clean out mine, and they did a very good job.  I also went in to work early that week and got the Fridge Fresh things for my fridge and freezer, installed those, and no odor at all now.  

I don't know about any one else but I want it to be a happy experience when I open up my fridge or freezer.  

Work went better than I expected.  Everytime the boss walked by I was doing my job, helping a customer, etc.  She would smile and move on.  At the end of the day she asked me to do something not really my job, if "I didn't mind".  I said, with a grin "I'll do anything you tell me as long as it's in the 10 commandments!" and she laughed and said "Right answer".  I mean it, too.  

Whatever you tell me to do when I'm on the clock is my job.  Sometimes that is cleaning a spill.  One time some lady's dog peed in chemicals so I had to clean that up as she stood there holding the dog and laughing at me.  Sometimes that is fetching supplies for another employee, zoning grocery, putting back returns, could be anything.  

I don't mind as long as I keep my clothes on, I'm not lying, stealing, or disrespecting God.  

I saw my boss' boss today and I smiled at him, gave him a big wave, said "There's my favorite coach!" (that's what they call managers at his level).  He smiled back and laughed at me, asked me how I was doing.  I could have said something about how my boss has been difficult.  Or the fact that personnel has me working 8 days in a row this week.  But I just thanked him for approving the time off in September to go see my Dad, who, I reminded coach, is over 80 years old.  He smiled again and said "That's important" and I said "You have to enjoy them while you can, have a great day!" and put my vest up.  And I went home.  

It was the Wednesday driver - not Buddy but a nice enough guy.  My second bus was running a little late but she got me home pretty quick.  

Tomorrow I work 11-8 so that will be a long one.  I'll make it though.  The nice thing I don't have to get up as early as I normally do.  

I'm going to eat my cup of noodles and go to bed!  

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