Thursday, July 4, 2024

Another Cleo sighting

 When I went back to bed I saw a cute little white cat leg emerging from under the bed.  It was Cleo.  I fussed over her, petted her, she meowed at me and walked around on me for a while.  

She's come out a couple of times.  She's just skittish.  Which is fine.  

It's kind of like Buddy - Cleo - I don't press.  I accept what I'm given, a smile and some conversation only - maybe a text one day?  Cleo - a little petting when she feels like it.  Seeing that she feels safe in my home.  That's enough.  

Work was insane today; truly La Tienda Loca.  We had the full cast of characters let me tell you.  It is interesting, some of my coworkers are lovely, gracious, ladies.  Others are not.  All the men I work with are cool.  

My neighbors are going crazy already with the fireworks.  

I bought myself a treat after work: a Deep Indian Kitchen Tikka Masala TV dinner.  Yum.  It smells divine and is far, far, cheaper than takeout.  

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