Tuesday, July 16, 2024

That was incredibly upsetting

 There is apparently some athlete named Ron Franklin, Junior.  

One of my coworkers wore a graphic T shirt with his first name in 6 inch letters on her chest, an image, and then his last name in smaller text underneath.  So every time I turned around on my lunch I was looking at: 


It was triggering to say the least.  I didn't realize how upsetting but it was an awful lunch.  She kept moving around, too, so I couldn't avoid her and stay seated.  Ugh.  

I worked my butt off today and did everything she wanted, so I'm satisfied on that.  

I had some time to think while I was working and I realized Ron always told me and made me feel, he would say, directly 'I had to settle when I married you" things like that.  That really does a number on my soul.  He would compare me, while in bed with me, to other women had had cheated with.  Things like that.  

And I realized that's profoundly disrespectful to say the least.  And I'm not going to accept that.  I will have deep emotional relationships with neutered house cats before I allow a man to treat me like that again.  I deserve better, I'm a child of God, created in His image.  

And I did some thought on giving respect, how I can do that more, to appreciate people like the electrical workers, janitorial staff, etc.  I think I do a good job on that.   But can I do more?  I feel like I should be authentic and sincere, but to always, always, share and show appreciation and affection for everyone I can.  

So I finished my shift and clocked out.  I was a little hungry so I got a bag of chips for me and one for Buddy - the Queso kind, the 50 cents a bag variety.  I put a bag of candy in there with his chips and went out to the bus stop.  

I never saw him - and when the next bus came all the "Buddy" regulars who ride his bus had been out there waiting on the next bus, too.  So I think something happened.  Mechanical failure, someone went off, who knows.  It's the Crazy Train.  That's why I gave him my phone number!  

Likely the AC died they will take a bus out of service for that.  In the meantime my other driver was eating the Queso chips all the way down the road, down to the crumbs.  He was obviously starving.  I had some generic brand chili cheese Fritos in my bag so I gave him those, too, and he ate those as well.  Hopefully he will remember my kindness as he looks at the tract I gave him.  

I knew I would miss the first homebound bus, the one that left at 5:15.  I had hoped I would catch the 5:40.  I missed that one, too.  So I ended up catching the 6:05.  But it was still light when I got off so I didn't mind.  

I came home, the house was pleasant, Biscuit was waiting, Spotty came out of the laundry room to say Hi.  I spoke to my parents.  

"The bus smells like crap" people kept saying as they got on the Crazy Train today.  One guy actually sat next to someone, rang the bell, barely made it off the bus before he began vomiting.  It was just that kind of day.  

So I didn't have much appetite.  I did have soup for dinner hopefully that will work.  

That's it for now!  

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