Tuesday, July 16, 2024

This was really fun

 You may have heard electrical linemen in Houston have been facing violence and threats.  I find that very upsetting as they are only here to help!  

I saw one sitting in his truck at my store.  I thought for a moment how I could approach without freaking him out.  I smiled and took out a bag of candy which I held in the air.  He watched me carefully as I approached.

I started off by thanking him sincerely as I smiled.  I gave him the bag of candy and he said I "didn't need to do that".  I said I did as he got my power on and thanked him again.  

He said it was no big deal.  I said it sure was for my cat, Spotty, who had been yelling at me all week!  We laughed over that, I thanked him again, and left.  

My boss sent me to lunch in a timely manner I am impressed.  

That's it for now.  

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