Wednesday, July 10, 2024

I think we have a cell phone jammer in the store

 My phone wouldn't work at all.  Everywhere I turned some customer had found an outlet and plugged in their cell phone.

I could clock in and out, use the work app.  

I did not talk about my power station at home.  

Work was pretty crazy of course.  At one point my boss asked me to help a blind man shop.  I was able to tell him about some stuff we sold like propel powder.  He said he likes Crystal Light so he should love that, and it's a lot easier to get home.

He is taking care of his Mom's cat so I got him some Meow Mix and some Temptations.  I should have asked if he needed litter.  He said he was hungry so I also got him a candy bar.  

He had me ring it all up and pay with his card.  Maybe not ethical but when the screen came up to rate the transaction I gave myself 5 stars! 

The crazy train was interesting.  Most of the lights were out so we were lurching down the road.  I got pretty carsick and almost had to get off and vomit.  The last bus was pretty uneventful.  

I could tell the power was still out.  I could hear the generators.  It is hot.  I am not hungry.  Tomorrow is my long day.  

I did get some cash today if I need it.  That's it for now.  

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