Saturday, July 13, 2024

Yesterday was awful

 I had a terrible migraine and actually contemplated vomiting before I went to work.  I took a Phenergan instead which had me sleepy and goofy, which resulted in a little talk from my boss.

I am not sleeping well.  I can grab an hour or two here and there.  I don't think it's the heat so much ,- I keep the house pretty warm as a rule.  I think it is just the stress of wondering when the power is coming back.  

I factored a lot of things in my hurricane planning but did not think about entertainment.  For one, I never thought a category one storm would take out my power for a week.  During a hard category 2 - almost a 3 - I only lost power for 4 days.

Spotty really likes his AC and is showing some signs of stress like sleeping in his litter box.  Biscuit is very mellow.  Cleo is out exploring her new world.

I went to the grocery store today.  The cart is a joke.  But I got some candy to hand out.  I just realized I forgot bags but I think I am OK.  I got things that won't spoil.  

That's it for now.  

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