Friday, July 19, 2024

Friday morning

 If I think something is a migraine trigger I will eat it twice.  

So the mac and cheese in a box with the packet of cheese sauce is a migraine trigger.  Bad news I have to work like this.  Good news I won't eat it again.  

I got the gas and electric bills paid they were due today.  

I woke up in the middle of the night with Biscuit on me he was very cute.  I put my arm around him and went back to sleep.  Spotty also got in bed with me.  

I haven't seen Cleo.  

I did some shopping after work but not much, I mainly got some spices and a bag of cat food, which they put on sale (rollback).  Biscuit has to eat Iams Urinary that is what keeps him healthy.  Happily we sell it so it is easy to obtain, and at a discount.  

Also happily the other 2 cats like to eat it although I haven't seen Cleo for a bit.  I let her go at her own pace.  I think the storm and the aftermath spooked her.  

My aunt was going to send me a new cart anyway and we were both thrilled it was a Prime Day special at that, so it came yesterday.  That means I have a good cart for my shopping Saturday.  

From what I saw at work the last few days everyone in Houston is filling up their fridge again.  

I don't know if I mentioned it but I am going to cook Buddy some spaghetti this weekend and bring it to him.  We will see if he likes it.  He has been asking me a lot of questions about what I like to cook.  

I do miss taking care of someone.  Not doing everything just fixing a meal now and then, that sort of thing.  The coworkers are not really interested in me bringing them food.  

My head is killing me, I'm going to drink a very cold drink and lay down again for a while.  

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