Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Tuesday afternoon

 Cleo is coming out of her shell.  She is still a little leery of me in the front room but if I lie down she gets on me, purring, wants pets.  She is very cute and I am glad to have her "back".  And I promised, no matter what, I will not get a generator as long as she's living.  She is so, so, afraid of them.  

I mean, I can't afford one anyway on what I make but I was thinking if I do remarry we will be pretty well set if I keep working, he's working, the house is already paid off... we could get a generator but I wouldn't want to.  

I overslept yesterday and I didn't have time to cuddle Spotty.  He likes about a half hour me sitting in the chair in the Bible room, him in my lap, me petting his head and shoulders (he doesn't like any petting on his lower back or tail area, unlike the other 2).  I had to run out the door, apologizing, but I did get the time with him today so he's happy.  

I was thinking, while I pet him.  Biscuit was like this: 

During the storm.  I didn't even SEE the other cats they must have been under a bed.  

After the storm passed Biscuit was back to normal.  Cleo was AWOL for weeks.  Spotty was yelling all the time.  He wanted his A/C.  Spotty was OK once that came back.  Cleo has taken more time but as I've said I don't rush her.  And she was so traumatized I promised her I'd never get a generator.  I can't make any promises about the neighbors but I can at least ensure my yard is quiet.  

Speaking of I have got to take a photo of the damned tree.  It fell over a month ago.  It is putting out new leaves!  I feel sorry for it and am empathizing a lot more than I should.  

I can't afford to have it taken away anyway.  FEMA denied my request.  I only made about $400 after what I have to put in escrow and I have to pay the credit card out of that, buy groceries, etc.  

I am working on laundry and will do some cleaning when I get up from my nap.  That's it for now!  

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