Wednesday, July 24, 2024

"I used to hate Tuesdays before you came back"

 I woke up at 2 AM yesterday (today it was 1 AM).  I seem reasonably functional so I'm not going to worry about it.  

I applied for the Walmart employee grant program.  They have a grant program, up to $1,500 for "critical needs" like natural disaster, home repair, tenant issues, car trouble, etc.  It is up to $1,500 every 5 years.  

The team leads were not well informed on this and I had to figure it out on my own.  When I did I decided to do a cheat sheet for my co workers and Buddy's Mom, who is a Walmart employee as well.  I showed it to the personnel manager who liked it and said I could run off some copies to hand out.  So I did that.  

Later on, going home, I gave one to Buddy for his Mom and he was happy to get it.  Knowledge is meant to be shared and it has been a real cluster- lack of information at my store I imagine it is the same for her.  Dad was very worried the program would run out of money and very happy I had applied.  

As it turns out they will only give me $200 unless I have repair bills for my home.  But $200 for groceries is still a lot of groceries!  We'll see I will keep you posted.  

Apparently once I am approved I just go to the Money Center (check cashing center) in my store and present my ID and they give me cash.  I told Dad corporate is not stupid and they know not all of that money will leave the store!  

One thing management did not tell us, I had to find out on my own, you have to apply for FEMA first to qualify for the store program.  And you need your email browser open because they send you a confirmation code that expires in 60 seconds that was not a fun time for me.  

But hopefully others can learn from my mistakes.  

Work was challenging as that boss was there, was in a mood, and kept micromanaging me all day.  That was taxing.  I have primary job duties I must accomplish every day, she likes to add special projects to that, expects all of it to get done.  If I just focused on the special projects I probably could but I have to accomplish the primary duties as well (one time I decided to just focus on the project and that was a real mess).  So she wasn't happy and I got lectured.  


Today I will only see her for about an hour so not too bad.  Thursday I see her about 4 hours.  Friday also about 4 hours, Saturday is another long day with her (6 hours), Sunday and Monday she is off.  Then I'm off Tuesday and Wednesday.  

I also get paid Wednesday so I plan to do my grocery shopping.  

I am debating going to one of my local Asian groceries and maybe getting some squid and some black bean/garlic paste (it is a very popular Asian condiment) for a stir fry.  Some fresh local vegetables (this store uses a lot of local backyard growers so the produce is super fresh).  The only problem with that they have an understandable no bag/cart policy.  

I will think about it.  

Buddy has today and tomorrow off so I won't see him unless he comes by the store (it is a long way from where he told me he lives so extremely unlikely).  I did talk to the nicer boss - oddly enough she is the very approachable one but if they have an issue with you she is the hatchet woman during the meeting - anyway I told her I made spaghetti and she said she'd like some, so I'll bring it today.  I like cooking for people.  I have been eating my stir fry for lunch, I like that and it is filling but not heavy.  I really like it with the wedge of lemon, I take out the lemon, heat it up, squeeze the juice all over it as I'm eating it.  I plan to keep doing that.  

Of course I ask people if they have any food allergies before I give them my food because you never know but so far everyone's told me they don't.  

Buddy said he liked the spaghetti but I got the impression he was a little off put by the fact I used macaroni noodles and not spaghetti.  But macaroni is easier to cook and eat.  I stand by my macaroni noodle!  I also made some with rotini which is also good.  He did say he loved the meat, and the sauce.  

I told him next time I would put more ground beef; when I cook something I always like to figure out how I would improve it next time and I think that's where I ran afoul of Ron.  He was neurodivergent to say the least and he liked the exact same food every time he ate.  If he had spaghetti from a can he got that.  If he got my spaghetti I always do it a little different every time.  So he preferred it from a can.  I am learning that is the only way he could do it and working on not being offended anymore.  

I like to think I am a good cook.  At any rate we will see what the boss (not the mean one) says about it.  

I also have plenty of dry pasta, a jar of Creole cream sauce, and some Andouille sausage.  That looks like a good meal to me, I just need to cook it.  The sausage is already cooked just slice it up and cook in my skillet, boil the pasta and drain, add the sausage to the sauce and plate with the pasta.  I don't think I would need to add onions and garlic like I do with the tomato version.  

When I buy more groceries I am going to need another bag of chopped frozen onions though.  I think I have a good amount of fresh garlic right now although I would like to buy a garlic press at work.  

I am handing this all out in cheap little containers so I don't care if I get them back, they are readily available.  

Yesterday, talking to Buddy, 50 other passengers listening not all of them right in the head - some of them Walmart workers who could snitch - I just said I had a long day at work with that boss.  He nodded sagely.  

"I used to hate Tuesdays" I told him "Because that's my long day with her - the minute I clock in until the minute I go home".  I continued "But that was before you came back.  I like Tuesdays now because I get to see you."  

You should have seen him grin!  

I'm gong to try to go back to bed for a while.  

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