Wednesday, July 17, 2024

I'm going to do some more thinking about relationships

 And what a healthy one would look like.  That should keep me pretty busy today.  



Supportive of my faith if not actively sharing it.  

Likes the cats.  

Helpful with housework not just sitting on his ass shouting at me over it.  

Likes my cooking.  Ron was peculiar he always said he liked what I cooked but he never wanted to eat it.  And when I was doing the nightly dinner specials at the deli at one point I sold 80 plates a night and had people coming by hours in advance to reserve a plate.  So I think I'm a pretty good cook!  I really miss cooking for people though.  

Understand/accept my limitations.  I could amplify that a bit but that pretty much says it there.  

That should keep me busy.  I am also working on a grocery list some things I'll buy here.  

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