Wednesday, July 3, 2024


 Work was OK just long.  

Tomorrow will be longer.  I took the later bus and it worked fine, but the last driver is going on vacation so who knows how that will go.  

I had a little daydream at work of someone who loved me showing up at work to surprise me.  Not Buddy, not necessarily (although I'd be thrilled if he did but he'd better be prepared for coworker/team lead interrogation), but my sweetie.  

I miss having someone to share my life with.  It took me a long time to come to terms that what I had wasn't healthy.  

I only want a relationship if it's healthy.  But I do want a man who will look at me the way Buddy did the other day; not lecherous, but admiring.  Admiring my spirit, Ron would say.  

What is funny I told a coworker I was going to wait for God to bring the right man to me.  That very day Buddy pulled up to my bus stop.  Significant?  I don't know.  

I'm just going to enjoy time spent, I should have him until December.  

I ran into a recipient on the way home, she has housing now, and a job, doing well.  It was good to see her happy.  

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