Sunday, July 21, 2024

Cleo didn't handle the storm well

 It was her first big event.  

Biscuit got through Harvey and various flood events, many severe thunderstorms.  Cleo has been fine with thunderstorms but she seemed to have a lot of trouble with the generator noise. She has been hiding outside.  

This morning I heard a cat fight and she was out back beating up Buddy, the neighbor's (I don't know whose he is but he is way too friendly and well fed to be a stray) black cat.  I went outside and called her and she ran off.  

So she doesn't want to be in the house but she doesn't want anyone else in the house.  That is OK.  She can be an outside cat if it feels better to her.  

I accept her where she is that is the only way I got her in the house at all.  I feel bad for her though.  Her world is a scary place everything is "bad".  A towel, a shirt, the broom, etc.  

But she has access to shelter, food, and water.  She may be spending more time in the other lady's (behind me) yard too.  I know that lady likes her and feeds her too one reason Cleo is so huge.  

Cleo will let me pet her if I'm lying down in bed but doesn't like to be handled, so I can't medicate her.  She could probably use anxiety medication though.  

I am going to do my God time, turn on the TV, do some cooking, do the dishes, take a nap.  Then clean and I should be good until next Tuesday.  

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