Thursday, July 18, 2024

I had an accident and got caught in the rain

 Yet again, I ran into a pole.  I have done this several times.  I've had my vision checked it is fine I just don't process "something" and run into it.  

I already had a headache, hit my head and arm.  Worst of all this happened in front of about 3 bus drivers and a dozen or so passengers all of which exclaimed loudly and fussed over me.  I was just glad I wasn't bleeding, and jumped on my other bus.  

I had a good talk with a seasoned veteran lady driver I enjoyed her.  She told me to bring the spaghetti Monday.  Unlike my stalker it seems like everyone in real life is rooting for me to find love again.  She told me there is a trick he can do to warm it up on the bus.  Good to know.  

The rain started about halfway to work.  I put on my poncho before I got off and I still got pretty soaked.  The rain's gone though most times it moves through in a few hours.  

I have a nasty bruise on my arm but praise God not my face.  I am going to get some Arnica salve after work.  

That's it for now!  

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