Monday, July 29, 2024

Well a lot of comments got deleted

 That is all I will say.  I actually find it amusing as "anonymous" would never say those things to someone's face.  

We are very short staffed in my department as evidenced by me having to take lunch 2 hours late.  

I turned around earlier and one of my bosses was standing there watching me.  Bring it, I have nothing to hide.  

I told her it was my opinion they needed me to work next weekend.  They do.  She agreed and said she would be talking to her boss.  So I had better do some meal prep Wednesday!  

My one driver in the morning, a very sweet lady about my age, said I should just go ahead and bring my "buggy" to the Asian grocery store when I shop so I think I will do that.

She was also interested in the concept of black bean garlic paste.  It is expensive online but very reasonable at one of my local Asian markets.  That's where I bought my wok and that is one of my favorite pans.  

I won't see her until next Monday I think.  

That's it for now.  

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