Tuesday, July 30, 2024

I Googled myself on my lunch break yesterday

 I was debating telling Buddy my full name or not along with the phone number.  So I did the search.  You tube came up.  I am OK with that I don't have much up there anymore.  Facebook.  That's OK if he wants to see me in lurid orange with a Free Bibles sign.  Come to think of it, he has!  He drove by me one day at my usual spot doing a Bible Handout.  And the blog came up.  

I thought about that while I was finishing my day.  I decided he would find some things out, but he would anyway if this went anywhere (it didn't).  And this is probably a good test for anyone in the future.  I wouldn't tell him about the blog but if he finds it he finds it.  

I have things I'll need to share anyway.  

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