Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Well that was an awful day yesterday

 The good news everyone is still alive.  

I woke up at 4, checked my bank balance and the paycheck dropped.  After bills I get to keep about 19% and that isn't even paying one of them (not urgent).  

But I have enough money for groceries and cat food.  Well, cat food and groceries we all know the priorities on that.  

Work snacks are not happening this pay period!  

But the bills I had to pay online are handled.  I feel good about that and the companies even sent me a little thank you message as the payment cleared and another to my email.  

Water bill should be on auto pay that is going to be interesting.  I allocated that.  

Oh I forgot I need to do the bus pass.  BRB

OK that's done.  I am such a geek I memorized the first 3 numbers of my fare card.  I have several cards saved in my account for some reason.  At some point I may call and ask them to delete the others.  The payment should hit Thursday/Friday.  I still had about $10 on it so I'm OK.  

I seem to use about $40 a month in bus fare.  You Tube music is autopay.  I need to take out cash for my cab rides, I have 2 a week.  

I can do gas, electric, internet on the next pay check.  

I did laundry yesterday and it finished in the hot afternoon, I am running the dryer now.  That is one mistake I made during the hurricane, I did laundry, which was good, but I failed to check if the clothes were dry before the power went out and they weren't.  

I have a privacy fence and I have thought about having a clothes line run in the backyard for things like that.  I also have a clean plunger and a dedicated 5 gallon bucket for doing laundry by hand, my homemade laundry soap.  

It has been raining steady for about a week now and I thought I had everything wrapped up in my backpack.  I forgot about my safety vest.  Monday at work I went to open my backpack and it had a horrible odor I tracked to the safety vest.  I washed that in the bucket with some baking soda to take the smell.  

I think I am going to take my antidepressant and go back to bed for a little bit.  

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