Saturday, September 10, 2022

Saturday night, whoo hoo going to bed early

 Well the underwear fit well and minimal bleeding today so I will definitely be done by next week.  

I managed to figure out a budget that allows me to get what I need.  I took a cab to work and really enjoyed having those extra 2 hours to myself.  I found my maple glazed so was very happy.  Work was busy.  

You know my troubles getting off on time on the weekend, the boss came up to me and asked me when I was getting off.  I said "3".  She looked at the clock.  3:05.  "Well, why?" she began, stopped herself, and waited with me.  So when the other girl came the boss was waiting for her.  That is something I would not want.  So I got off at 3:07.  I clocked out, went to the bathroom, got my stuff and looked around the grocery section.  

I wanted a whole milk plain yogurt, both Cleo and I like that.  So I found a good one and had some of it for dinner.  Cleo was thrilled.  I also got a frozen solid chub of ground turkey.  I can do a lot with that and some shredded cheese.  I went with that and bought it, put it in my lunch bag.  I headed out to the bus stop.  The light is still acting up but I can get across.  

The ride home was going nicely until we picked up the drunk white guy in a wheelchair.  I know more than anyone a person can have some use of the legs and still require a wheelchair but I got a strong vibe this guy was faking.  I was pretty sure if I had thrown a $20 on the floor where he could see it he would have gotten up to take it.  Not that I had a $20.  He was very drunk swaying in the wheelchair and kept signalling he wanted stops, yelling at the driver to stop on other occasions, then would change his mind when the driver parked and came back.  One time he was going to get off but saw a police car.  Makes me wonder if he has a warrant.  The  driver was incredibly gracious and professional.  

He finally got off at a corner very popular with panhandlers.  I wasn't surprised.  The guy had slowed the bus so much it looked like I would be a half an hour late getting home.  The driver made up lost time, though, and my home bus knows I ride that time so he waited too.  So I got home at 5.  I was happy about that.  

I put my stuff up and laid down for a little bit.  Spotty got on me purring and the other cats joined us in the bed.  It was adorable.  If you are looking for a super cuddly cat I suggest an orange one.  I have had 2 now and they were both very loving.  Calicos and torties are more independent.  The orange ones have a reputation for being very sweet, according to my orange cat group on Facebook.  

My 16W jeans fit well in the waist but the butt is a little baggy but that is OK, the waist fits.  The black ones were always on the verge of falling off the other night.  I texted a little with my family they are doing well.  I am going to go to bed early tonight as I have to ride the bus both ways and also plan to get my booster tomorrow before I leave work.  And get some more groceries now that I figured out I can afford some.  

That's it for now.  

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