Thursday, September 8, 2022

2 blogs in one morning!

I took my shower and did my God time.  I am somewhat confused as, for weeks, I have been leaving the house with it barely light out and now it's 9 AM.  And it's still not time to leave.  Spotty is confused as well, he was accustomed to doing my God Time with me, which involved purring a lot, meowing, rubbing up against books/Kindle for petting.  But I'm not one to bitch when they change my schedule as long as they keep my availability.  I think back to nights will work a little better for me.  At least I get a ride home this way.  Riding 4 hours total on the bus every day plus working my shift was a lot.  

I ate some cheese for breakfast as I have the better part of 2 pounds.  I am geared up with both an ultra tampon and an overnight super pad, plus more of both, today as it's the heavy day.  Today's the big one the next couple days will be negligible.  I am only sorry I did not listen to my body as it was giving me signals I would go about this time, a few weeks ago.  But I didn't think it would go six and a half weeks which it did.  

I was thinking about that, if I remarry and still have cycles I will need to worry about birth control!  At almost 50!  No idea what I would use.  Not the pill because I have a family history of heart trouble.  But that's putting the cart before the horse.  1.  Waiting until 2026 unless God gives me a very clear sign otherwise.  2.  Going to wait longer before I remarry.  3.  He may already be fixed.  Or get fixed, which would be ideal for me... worked great with Ron.  

But my body is working the way God made it and that's good.  I should see some weight loss out of it or at the very least the end of the bloat.  I'm going to get dressed.  

I've got everything done but my lunch, I will put it in the lunch bag at the last minute.  One thing I don't get at work, you have an insulated lunch bag with your lunch in it.  Why take that and put it in the fridge?  One fridge has a door that is always coming open, another time I put a water bottle in the freezer for 5 hours and it didn't freeze so not very cold, either, not to mention the roach issue.  So I leave my lunch bag, with a little cold pack, in my tote bag.  I think it is much safer, and I don't have to worry about someone throwing it out by accident.  

I have chicken salad for dinner and sausage and cheese for lunch.  I need to get some plain ground meat and make taco meat and cheese instead.  I think that would be a nice change of pace, I will have to look at work on Saturday as Sunday I plan to get the booster and won't want to tote a heavy bag home.  

Cats are out which is fine they mainly loaf around in the back.  Sometimes Spotty or Biscuit will meet me at the front door when I get home from work.  And I am sure I'm going to hear it when I get home tonight because they're not used to me gone that long.  I need to fix the lamp so it comes on at 9, I like coming home to a lit house.  

I confirmed yesterday with Jack but we got to talking about cat sitting so I also sent him a text message just now.  He is out of the habit of getting me and I hope he remembers!  Otherwise it is going to be a tricky ride home!  I have his, or someone's, money.  Not going to stress about it.  

My aunt sent me copies of my house keys last week still haven't gotten them yet.  I hope they didn't get chewed up in one of the sorting machines at work, but likely just a backlog.  When I left the Post Office last year there were a lot of problems.  Now overall they are good getting me my bills, and my cards, so I don't fault them for that but for "irregular" items I think it may be a little tricky.  We will see.  Worst case I will go to Home Depot next week and get copies made that way.  In a perfect world I could just leave the door unlocked all week but can't these days!  Next Door is full of camera grabs of strange kids testing doorknobs at various homes.  

I could never get an alarm system because Ron would have always been setting it off, dementia...and the police department tickets you $300 under their "Cry Wolf" program after so many false alarms.  I have thought about possibly getting an alarm now but will pray on it.  I do know the alarm system salesmen are very aggressive, I had one trying to sell me a system right after my house got robbed back in 2012. 

That's it for now...

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