Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Tuesday morning

I am starting to think my interrupted sleep could be ketosis.  I had very few carbs yesterday and was working on a violent migraine last night.  I had a peppermint and that helped, I'm going to remember that and put some in my work vest.  Interrupted sleep again.  At one point I got up and put one of my water bottles in the fridge so it was cold when I got up.  It was delicious.  I have no problem drinking my tap water.  Some places in Houston it was impossible but here it is fine.  

I did fall asleep just fine.  I felt/feel much better knowing I have the extra cat food.  I didn't know how much stress that was until I had the bag in my hands.  My hip is a little sore from lugging it home but I am OK with that.  

Slept OK except for waking up a couple times.  Apparently keto insomnia is a big thing so we will call it that.  Also getting ready for my big trip which will mean traveling and a lot of uncertain things.  I hear a lot of horror stories about flying these days.  God will help if He wants but I have to leave it in His hands.  And I might get stuck at an airport with someone who really needs a (Scripture) booklet or to hear my story.  I would be fine with that.  So it's up to God, but a lot of questions.  

My aunt already said she can't meet me when I have the layover in her town as she lives far from the airport so at least I know.  I am sure she will come to Houston soon anyway and we can have a girl day which will be fun.  

I had all the cats when I woke up which was nice.  I am not a believer in the more cats, the better.  I want a quality relationship with each cat I have and 3 is plenty for me.  If I remarry and he has cats I will add them in of course.  

Worth noting, if I remarry he will move in with me.  I'm not moving due to liking the neighborhood and available transportation, one thing life has taught me, I can't always count on a husband.  So I need to be in a place where I can take care of myself (here).  I will get rid of some furniture if he has some stuff he doesn't mind getting clawed up, he can have Ron's room, but I'm not leaving.  I would also have a prenup to protect myself.  I have thought this out.  IF I ever meet the right guy and the longer I go that isn't happening so I guess God wants me single for now.  

There are 2 notable Bible passages:  1 Corinthians 7:8 says it is good for widows to remain single.  But there is another passage I can't find where Paul commands younger widows to remarry.  How young is young?  I am solidly middle aged.  Since I can't find it we will assume God wants me to stay single.  And I don't want to go looking for a man to be my everything and fill all the holes in my life, that's what I did with Ron - I made him my idol, and idols fall, no one can live up to that and then everyone is hurt and my relationship with God is harmed.  So not in a rush.  I am not on any dating sites either.  I figure if God wants to send me someone He will without me using a dating site.  

Hopefully at the least I will get my head in a healthy place, that is a large part of the blog to me.  Getting my thoughts out in a healthy way.  

Today I plan to go to my local grocery store, which, done the "safe" way, takes about an hour and a half.  Plan is to get some Kale greens and some shredded cheese, maybe some meat if they have a good deal on a small package.  I don't need a lot of meat just something different.  I am eating a lot of pork, tuna, turkey, chicken in that order and could really use something red.  The store is always busy because they do have very low prices, lower than my store in some aspects.  I don't like that much but I will manage.  

I am just bringing cash so I can't go over budget.  I am hoping to get the electric bill today and then I will know what I can spend for the rest of the week and next week.  Happily I don't have to buy anything for my trip.  I already have the hairbrush and everything, and Mom said she will have soap, toothpaste, shampoo so I don't have to take that which is great.  I would worry about that stuff leaking.  

But I need to get up and taking my shower so I can do my God Time, get dressed and out of here.  That's it for now.  

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