Friday, September 30, 2022

Friday morning

 An update on the large t shirt, I wore it to work last night it kept pulling up and was uncomfortable.  I think it is fine for going out but not for working, I will need an XL for that.  

I have some cash and gift cards from my birthday I need to figure out if I am going to spend some of that on new shirts or just keep wearing the 2X.  I am still up about 3 pounds so I sort of feel like I shouldn't reward myself until I get back on track.  

Work was fine.  I had a very bossy new employee (Associate, like me) telling me what to do and shouting orders at me.  I set some boundaries and told her I have been here for over a year I know what I am doing.  Also there are things you do NOT know about my job (and I told her one), so I am doing exactly what I am supposed to do.  She left me alone after that.  I don't think she will last long.  Our managers don't like backtalk and I'd bet money she will.  

We finally got around to putting the sleepwear on clearance, I had bought the long nightgown when I visited my parents as my 3X was comical.  This is an XL.  It is very comfortable.  

I slept pretty well and woke up with Biscuit in my bed like some sort of love emissary.  He was adorable, then he left and Cleo came.  Hard to get up!  But I did.  Spotty came and got in my lap during God Time so he got his love too.  I missed them a lot and I am very pleased they did so well.  I know I lean way too hard on my cats for emotional support (not calling them emotional support cats); I should be leaning on people.  But no "people" in Houston my aunt is hundreds of miles away, my parents over a thousand.  

While my stepbrothers and sister like me I am sure I wouldn't lean on them unless maybe Dad died.  But Dad is doing very well for his age.  I would like to see him walking more but he's working on it.  He is getting over COVID that was only a few months ago, and he did not take any of the treatments.  She bounced back better than Dad but he is diabetic with a bad heart.  But he's still getting around, I just didn't like watching him get in and out of a car, it reminded me of Ron.  

So I leave for work in an hour.  I still can't get my phone to work.  Next step is to recruit the techy guy at work to help.  Maybe he can get it.  He works in a department he is not with HR or anything but is known for helping with app issues.  I will see if I can get him to help today.  

I hate asking for help.  I really, really, hate it.  But if I can get it fixed I will.  

Enough about work.  I am debating if I should bring my debit card to work.  My medication should be in pretty quick and I don't know if it is 3 months or 1 month.  If it is 1 month I can pay that out of cash.  If it is 3 months I will have to use my debit card.  But I work tomorrow so it doesn't matter, I can get it after work tomorrow if it is the big prescription.  I probably shouldn't leave it in the breakroom (in my bag) anyway might encourage snooping/theft.  Not that anyone wants what I take.  

That's it for now.  

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