Saturday, September 17, 2022

Saturday morning

An interesting night I don't know if I will get it all before I have to go.  

First 2 buses were uneventful.  Waiting at the transit center a roll of open toilet paper on the bench... I don't want to know.  A guy came up to a black man sitting on the bench and started with the "hustle" "I want something from you and if I talk fast and say the right things you will give it to me".  Gist of it was guy #2 wanted guy #1's cell phone.  Of course he said no.  The guy whined but moved onto me.  "I just got out of jail and I need to call my Mom" I told him no as well.  I am not handing over my cell phone to anyone.  If someone is having a true emergency I will dial 911 and put it on speaker.  As he left, he said "It's because I'm black!" which is apparently the answer to anything.  

We will ignore the fact that I was married to a black man for nearly 30 years and took complete care of him at the end.  I have no issues but wasn't going to argue, that's what he wanted, me on the defensive.  He got on my bus unfortunately, without paying, and got off near a school I hope nothing bad planned.  If you detect a disparaging tone it is because he was ignorant not his race.  

I got to work and got logged in OK, for once had what I needed to do my job until a customer wanted a price check and the app logged me out.  I could not log in again.  I tried, God knows, but I couldn't.  Tried this morning too.  It is not the password or username that is the issue it is the 2 step notification.  I may go into more on this later.  So I will have to check my schedule and log in/out today in personnel.  I was stressing a lot about it earlier but have given it to God.  I will just focus on working my 4 hours and eating my (planned) 2 donuts before work.  

I am down to 188 so that is official 70 pounds lost since my all time high, about 50 lost since last year.  I am also down a half inch on waist and hips (each).  So that's good.  It will be good motivation to eat on plan next week.  Well mostly on plan.  

I plan to change my carb manager from weight loss -20% calories to maintainer levels.  That should help me stay on track and then get back to weight loss when I get back.  Although I think I am about done for the month it has been 5-6 pounds so far which is a lot for me.  I will be working out a lot too.  

After work I will take the bus home and then clean up the house a little, hide my tampons, that sort of thing, then call Jack and run through the cat care routine (very easy).  Give him the keys.  I have a purple keychain which is easy to find/use.  

I checked the mail when I got home last night and I got 2 things for Ron one of which was an offer to buy the house.  I threw it away.  Where would I live if I sold the house?  Nowhere nice!  Not to mention keeping the 3 cats.  

I had some good time with Spotty this morning.  Sometimes I worry I neglect him but he left me instead of the other way around. 

And I have settled on the gray Lee jeans for my trip.  I am wearing the Talbot (God takes good care of me!) jeans but they don't have good pockets.  I love both jeans though.  But wearing them at work sold me on the gray ones.  I will wear my support socks on the plane as well just to be careful.  I am older.  I m taking Dad a pair of (unopened) socks he can try them on but I doubt he will like them.  I hate putting mine on every day but they really do help with legs/feet.  Sometimes they are crooked but I wear them every day I work.  And I have a good amount.  

And I did it all!  That's it for now.  

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