Friday, September 9, 2022

The rest of Friday morning

When I get up early I seem to have enough for 2 blogs.  

So: I did 10 minutes on the exercise bike, did Kettle bells for a little while (squats and swings, I try to keep it functional), ate a bowl of cooked greens with olive oil, cleaned the toilet, and took my shower.  I had planned to bring a razor with me on my trip but found the rest of the razors in my package are missing the blades!  And I lost the receipt.  I bought them a while ago, too, they were $2 so not overly upset just annoyed.  I am bringing dresses, I will have to shave my legs, but I am thinking to just have Mom take me to Walmart so I can pick them up there.  I did my God Time with Spotty, he was quite excited to see me in my bathrobe as I only wear that when I'm doing my God time/special Spotty cuddles.  Not a religious thing but I don't like wet hair dripping everywhere.  

I have about an hour before I need to leave.  My cycle is lighter than usual, by a lot.  So that's going to modify how I do things today.  Not much but I am not going to change it unless I have to.  My poor system is about done I'm sure it's been over 30 years of cycles...but I will appreciate the weight loss potential of still having a cycle.  

Work was pretty slow last night.  I never say "it is slow" at work because then it's not.  But it was slow.  We will see what it does tonight.  Everyone who got paid on the first has spent it all and won't get paid until the 15th.  Everyone who got food stamps has probably spent that by now, too. The weather is going to be nice the next week or so which may drive sales.  

Sometimes I think I should apply for food stamps.  It would be nice if I could get them, save me some grocery money.  But God has provided and He will continue, if He wants me to apply for food stamps He will let me know.  I am working and supporting myself I am proud of that.  It isn't always easy on the bus, either, and with my limitations.  But I can do all things in Christ who strengthens me. 

I need to get dressed...That's done.  I tried to give Cleo a meat treat but she didn't like the administration so I put it in a bowl on the floor for her, then she ate it.  I didn't see Biscuit, the treatjacker, so she got to enjoy as much as she wanted.  

All ready to go in my performance t.  Those things are great I don't get sweaty on the way to work.  I don't want to show up disheveled and sweaty.  That might work if I were a cart pusher but not for customer contact.  My underwear were getting baggy so I measured and my hips are down half an inch.  I realized I was measuring in the wrong place for my waist it is actually 38 and not 41, so that was nice too.  I will have to look up underwear size charts and see if I have gone down a size or just "comfortable" in this size.  Both major brands say I have gone down a size.  Well.  Good thing I picked some up on the Black Friday $5 special last year.  I kind of figured I would be broke (am) when this happened and it would be better to have some on hand.  But the ones I have do work just a little baggy so I need to decide if I am going to keep wearing them or go down the size.  

I am still wearing my baggy black jeans.  I don't feel bloated anymore but I am wearing a (thin) pad and don't want it obvious when I bend over at work.  I plan to wear one tomorrow and then skip it Sunday.  

Sunday I plan to get my Covid booster.  That gives me 3 days at home, after, although I was fine with the first 2.  Still can't hurt to be careful.  One lady at work had to take a couple days off because her doctor talked her into getting FIVE vaccines including shingles which we all know is a nightmare.  

Anyway that's it for now.  

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