Sunday, September 4, 2022

Sunday morning

I was happy to see my maple glazed when I got to work so I got the 2 and ate them.  They were a little stale but the icing was on point.  I was happy.  

Started work pretty busy considering we had 100% chance of rain, due to start around 3 (when I get off).  And it started around 2:30.  It stopped around 3:10 when I actually got out of there and I decided to make a run for the bus stop.  I did and got about 3/4 of the way before it started up again, but the gutters were pretty low on runoff so I could get across the busy street OK.  

I got to the covered bus stop and waited about 20 minutes.  It was pouring.  Cars/SUV/trucks coming by were splashing me with water because the gutters were filling up.  But I was OK and got the bus.  Pretty full on the bus but I got a seat.  We picked up an old man who was coughing a lot.  I moved away from him.  He seemed ill; his complexion, he had that stringy look, his pants were too big for him and fastened with a belt, etc.  He unfortunately rode to the transit center so we were stuck with him for a while.  

The bus driver had to go slower of course you can imagine a 38 foot bus hydroplaning but the driver was very careful and on point.  Happily, when I got to the transit center, my last bus had waited for me (not the flirt, another guy with dreadlocks).  I was thrilled and very grateful.  He laughed and said "You know I'll take care of you, Baby" which I thought was sweet.  

I got off and the vacant lot at the corner was very mushy.  I was glad I had my waterproof shoes.  I squished my way to the sidewalk and went home.  The new family on the corner seemed disappointed they couldn't sit around in their yard in lawn chairs and play music today, they were in the house today and one lonely guy in the garage with the door up.  Otherwise uneventful.  

The mail came I got the gas bill $30.  I also got one of those "plan for your funeral in advance" sales cards.  I threw it out.  My family know I want to be cremated I don't care what you do with the ashes put them in the litter box for all I care I will be GONE.  And there is enough money in savings to cremate me.  I did not get the electric bill yet but will look into that online on Tuesday.  

My parents were busy so I laid down for a while in my bed until they called.  We talked, I hung up and charged the phone, then I went right back to bed.  It worked very well I went to sleep quick.  I did wake up a few times but that is becoming normal.  

Weight is down a pound so the Dandelion root tea did help.  Blood sugar was 104 which is a little higher than I would like but probably donut related.  Not too worried about that.  

I need to take my shower.   All done a little rushing.  I hit the snooze button a few times too many but so hard to get up with 3 cats snuggling me in bed.  That's my excuse at least.  

Sometimes I tease one of my Team Leads I am going to dress up the cats in baby clothes.  She always laughs. 

My phone says virtually no chance of rain today or tomorrow which is great.  I am still wearing the water proof shoes as the ground/grass is still wet.  Got the candy, got a snack for me to munch on the way to work (walnuts), got some cash and cab fare if I need it for some reason.  Lunch packed...took out a chub of frozen ground turkey so I can cook tomorrow's lunch.  I am thinking taco flavored, I have the powder, you just add it and some water.  Yes it has some MSG but I am OK with a little now and then.  It probably won't help the bloating though.  

Cats are good.  I decided to just feed them the 2 cups of food a day at once.  They don't eat it all at once and save it until they are really hungry.  So I feel good about leaving them like that when I take my vacation.  Jack can come in once a day and feed them.  I don't care if he does snoop (he might but I don't care) because I have nothing of interest.  

My aunt was happy with my savings account balance which is enough to pay flood insurance and some left over,  That's the plan.  Then I have property tax coming.  

That's it for now.  

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