Monday, September 5, 2022

Graphic and not for weak stomachs/sensitive

Parts of today were so revolting I came home and emptied my pockets, stripped, and threw everything in the washer with laundry sanitizer to soak for an hour (8 minutes is suggested minimum).  

Getting up and showering was OK, so was God Time.  Brought my lunch that didn't work out but I wasn't super hungry anyway.  Got first bus OK then second bus.  All uneventful.  

Get to transit center there is a homeless man with feces all over the back of his pants.  I am sitting on the bench.  He sits next to me, meaning his feces are all over the bench now which means I am probably sitting in them as well.  I almost vomited.  He sized me up and asked if I had "another bottle of water in that bag".  I said no.  He said he wanted MY bottle of water.  I said no.  "Why?"  "Because I need it for work"  He took a moment to regroup.  "Where you from?"  I read a book a long time ago that said women are programmed to be "nice" "polite" "don't be rude" "don't make a scene" and the author basically said screw that if a man is bothering you tell him in no uncertain terms you want to be left alone.  

"I don't want to talk".  He backed off a little, then decided to pull his pants down in front of me and urinate on the sidewalk.  Then he reached around in the back of his pants digging around and scratching, digging away I tried not to look.  I was horrified.  What was he going to touch with those hands?  

Of course he got on my bus, the driver did not catch the mess as it was on the back of his pants and he had pulled his jacket down to conceal it.  There was a mystery brown stain on one of the seats I had chosen so I moved over and sat in a "clean" one.  

Got to work OK.  The man did not follow me as near as I could tell.  I had my tuna before work and it was lasting.  I like that about tuna, it sticks around.  I resolved to buy Biscuit's cat food (I was almost out) on my way out the door.  

They were paging me half an hour before I even clocked in, good to be popular I guess.  I was busy all day.  The bus stop to go home it was the window washer homeless man who had just gotten another 40 ounce beer.  He cursed when he saw me, I suppose I am bad for business sitting there in my Walmart vest "I am working, why can't he?"  

Got to the transit center and made a good connection, happy about that, got home pretty quick.  I had bought 5 bags of candy (almost out) a 7 pound bag of Biscuit's cat food (Iams Urinary cat if you were curious), and a couple cans of chicken I thought that would make a nice change from all the tuna.  It was about 10 pounds, I calculated.  I have lost 16 pounds since June.  It was heavy lugging the 10 pounds and it made me realize I have come a long way.  I am sure my body is very grateful it doesn't have to carry that anymore.  I got home and told the cats I was happy to go through all that just to deliver the cat food.  I saw everyone and they looked good.  I put down my groceries and my work bag, and then immediately emptied my pockets and stripped, and threw it all in the wash.  

I was not very hungry today, either.  

That's it for now.  

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