Tuesday, May 7, 2019


I went ahead and bought the water fountain for the cats, it arrives Thursday.  I paid a little more than I would have in-store but they didn't have any, and I really do want to get another fountain going for the cats. 

It only benefits them to drink a lot of water. 

That done, Biscuit wanted to eat.  He is so subtle, he puts his paws on my thigh and his head in my lap as I work on the computer.  Oh, you want to eat? 

Then of course Torbie showed up and gave me sad eyes (her form of begging).  I was dishing up the girls' food, and I noticed the bag is a little light.  So I went to Chewy and ordered another bag.  That should arrive tomorrow.  I am very near their distribution center.  :)  Baby Girl showed up somewhere in there and wanted to eat, too. 

So everyone's fed.  Good.  My account is lighter but the cats have been properly spoiled.  It is very important to me that I treat my cats correctly.  I have seen things done to cats (declawing) I can never unsee. Litter boxes not changed, sick cats not taken to the vet - I did none of this but I have seen it and that's all I'll say. 

I always told myself "Not me".  So they have an abundance of food, filtered water in their water fountains, a spot to sleep on the bed with me, sleeping spots around my computer, the use of my chairs when I'm not using them. 

Hell, even Ron does it.  This morning he had to use the toilet.  He did so.  But when he got ready to sit in his wheelchair it was occupied by Torbie.  So Ron struggled, with great difficulty, to push the wheelchair back to bed so he wouldn't have to move her. 

Things like that make me love him.  I don't know anyone else who would do that.  About the worst thing you can say about him and the cats is that he gives too many treats. 

But we both agree our #1 priority for the cats is treating them right.  They will lack nothing.  They will not suffer.  They will always have food, treats, and a bed.  I can't imagine doing it any other way. 


Spankadoo said...

Your kitties won the kitty lotto with you as their mom

Heather Knits said...

I think I won. :)