Wednesday, May 15, 2019

I had a pretty busy morning

I got up around 8, did abs on the floor, took a shower.  I talked to Ron.  He is reading a book where a disabled man doubts his ability to make a "normal" woman happy.  He asked me some questions about that. 

I married a blind man in a wheelchair, no real question there, I signed up for this. 

I got dressed and got my stun gun, bus pass, etc.  I headed out the door (I had eaten and taken my pills already). 

I walked to the bus stop, uneventful.  I talked to my aunt while I waited on the bus and then while riding the bus.  I disembarked and she had to go.  I set my fitness tracker back to "walk" mode and headed to the bank. 

It was dead, which shocked me considering this is a pay day.  She was literally sitting on her stool waiting for customers.  I made my deposit and left, went to the grocery store.  I walked a lot there, I don't really like the store but they do have some specialty items.  I just bought some Diet Dr Peppers, a can of Stax chips, and some iced diet decaf tea. 

I wasn't far from a Waffle House.  I called Ron to see if he wanted takeout.  I wasn't hungry but he might want something.  He didn't answer.  I decided to walk over anyway, I was 100% certain he would eat whatever I brought him. 

Uneventful walk over to the WH.  Pretty busy, though, which I found surprising.  I know they are always packed on the weekend but we have never gone on a weekday morning.  It was almost as packed, and the server said it was "slow today". 

I ordered his favorite meal prepared the way he likes it.  They had it to me pretty fast.  Then I did some thinking.  According to my fitness tracker I had already walked over 1.1 miles.  My foot was a little achy.  Did I want to walk back to the bus stop, and then down the street to my house?  Ron had given me cab fare if this became an issue. 

I decided to take a cab.  I called Arturo and he was available, I waited.  The servers liked his cab when it pulled up, it is a different style. 

He took me home, it was cheap compared to hurting my foot and I gave him a good tip for coming so fast.  A lot of drivers don't like the short trips. 

I found a calico on our porch.  She is new in town and I have seen her a few times in the last couple days.  Like most strays, she is skittish. 

I went in the house and realized I had left Biscuit's food out.  No one seemed to have eaten it, though.  Ron was asleep so I put his food in the fridge. 

I checked my email, nothing from the State about the vending machine parts. 

Ron woke up, I gave him his food.  He is gobbling it.  He loves it and loves that I got it.  Good.  I like to spoil him sometimes. 

The cats all wanted to eat: I had gone out so I had to feed them all on my return, even though I was only gone about an hour and a half.  I walked about 30 minutes total, not bad. 

Now I'm going to take a nap. 


Anonymous said...

"He is reading a book where a disabled man doubts his ability to make a "normal" woman happy. He asked me some questions about that. "

Seriously the man is really a deranged individual. Why didn't you tell him that what would make you happy is if he stopped drinking and verbally abusing you. That would make you over the moon. Wheelchair or not. He can't be that stupid to even ask you something like that when he has to know that his mistreatment of you is what makes you unhappy. He truly is a fool.

Heather Knits said...

His question was along the lines of "Do you regret marrying a disabled man?" My honest answer to that was no.

I didn't get into the drinking because it just leads to fights. He has already told me he would choose alcohol over me (at first, I'm sure he'd regret it eventually). So no point bringing it up in my book.