Friday, May 10, 2019


I got up at 6 and did a cardio workout on the bike, then some abs on the floor after warning Ron not to get me.  I had to hurry through my shower as our pickup was coming pretty soon. 

I don't know why all the drivers want my viewpoint on the little "missing" girl.  Her stepfather was abusive and put her in the hospital, she had to have brain surgery and the parents lost custody.  They just NOW get her "back" and he comes out with some story how 3 Mexicans snatched the little girl from him one day and escaped. 

So a child abuser "loses" a child he had care of, but it's the Mexican's fault?  Pretty obvious he killed her and hid the body.  I believe the mother does not know this and is in major denial.  They have both apparently been on TV a lot demanding the "safe return". 

He killed her.  Even if the microscopic chance she was snatched by strangers they wouldn't have taken her from him.  They would have waited until she was outside playing alone like all these stories normally go.  But the media is still treating it as though she is still alive and it is sickening.  If she was snatched, huge if, she would have been murdered by now.  They do not "keep" their prey.  And you very seldom will see a trans-racial snatching.  People want a kid that looks "theirs". 

But everyone wants me to tell them this even though it is vastly depressing.  Then I had to listen to the driver rant about "trifling mothers" all the way to the bank.  Ugh. 

We got to the bank, they were not open even though it was well after 9.  Trifling, I guess.  I need to look that up.  Not an accurate use. 

Just lazy business.  They still haven't got their door fixed, either.  We got inside and conducted the business.  A mexican woman stood very close behind us in line.  Sometimes they do it believing it will "hurry us up because you now see how important I am".  I swear I hear more spanish than English at the bank.  They really seem to cater to illegals.  If they weren't the only ones who can handle the cash I would talk Ron into switching. 

Illegals do not have permission to be here, I don't believe businesses should make it easy for them to do banking, etc. conduct business in the US.  They need to go "home" and get a visa the way the legal ones do. 

We finished our business.  Ron gave me a little cash which I appreciated.  We called a cab to go home. 

We went through a drive through and I got breakfast.  I was bad and had orange juice.  But in my defense I did burn it off during my workout. 

Ron wanted to pick up his case (!) of vodka, so he did that.  We went home, the driver put the vodka in the garage and I got Ron in the house. 

I took a nap.  I had a pretty good one with Torbie, who really does need that claw trim.  She likes to put her claws on my face when I am slow petting her, in bed.  I woke up around 1-2 with a headache, I took care of that. 

I dug around under my bed and found my "other" weightlifting book, read that for a while and planned out some ab exercises to do on a regular basis.  I am really lacking in the abs department.  Not because I have a doughy middle, but the muscle strength just isn't there right now.  I will work on that. 

I watched CSI reruns for a while, then got on the computer.  I had a great idea for my old laptop.  It was bought in 2008 for my niece.  Her father is a computer guy and wanted her to have a quality instrument.  She used it for a few years and it got stuck in a closet.  My house got robbed in 2012 and my computer stolen.  My brother in law sent me the laptop.  I used it for years until Eric gave me a "new" one, that worked a lot better.  I used that for a few years until Ron bought me a new computer.  I gave Eric back his computer and I just use this desktop.  I prefer a desktop. 

When Ron had the computer issues last year, we spent a lot of time at the computer shop, and everyone walking in, I mean everyone, had a laptop.  I asked (when we were alone with the owner) if they were really that prone to breaking and he said yes.  That clinched it for me, desktops. 

Although if someone gave me a new laptop I would use it. 

Anyway, I remembered the old laptop had a lot of music.  I thought maybe I could set it up in the garage and play tunes while I work out.  But the keyboard doesn't work and I put a password on it.  So no go. 

It was a nice idea, though. 

I am debating what to do regarding a delivery.  I will need some groceries pretty soon, but I also need to be flexible enough to run to the store when my pills come in.  I just have a nasty feeling there will be another f*ck up.  And I can't afford to screw with an antipsychotic. 

I guess of all my drugs I would do OK for a bit without the antidepressant, but the other ones are NOT OPTIONAL.  I shouldn't have to beg to get my pills.  I cannot get high, I can't snort them or abuse them in anyway.  I can only take them so I don't see things.  Do they want me to see things?  Sometimes I wonder. 

It would sure brighten up a slow news day (once they find the little girl's body). 

Anyway, I want to snatch those up the second they arrive.  But I also want to get my groceries.   Ron is calling brb

 I helped Ron and called the pharmacy, they have my medication.  I didn't think they would screw with a mental illness drug - anxiety and sleeping medications can be abused but NOT what I take.  What I take can only be used for mental illness management, serious conditions at that. 

Now I need to figure out the store.  Do I go tomorrow? 

Inclined to say both yes and no.  I would like to get it "done" BUT I want to do a weight workout after my nap, after work tomorrow.  Then I will need a shower to be fresh before going out.  That's a lot for one day. 

Sunday is supposed to be nice but I hate going on the weekend (whine).  But Saturday and Sunday will be about as bad.  Probably worse on Sunday because of Mother's day. 

Ugh.  I'll figure it out.  I need to make a list for the store, too, so I can get what I need.  Some things they will not deliver.  And if I get it all in person and pay cash I have money in my online account to buy another book or 2.  I like that. 

I am going to confess something.  Years ago, back in 2011 or 2012, I stripped a vending machine of all it's working parts before sending it back.  I have those parts in my garage.  I cannot dispose of them because they don't legally belong to me.  I have to get permission from "the owner".  I have been trying to do this for a while but keep running into walls. 

I am sorry I did it now but it's too late.  Could be jail time if I get rid of this stuff the wrong way.  So I have to be careful. 

But once I get rid of it I can get a heavy bag or a treadmill and vary my workouts.  I just need to get it done.  So I will send another email.  I hate to bother her but I am sick of this crap in my garage. 


Anonymous said...

Shame children are considered property and are given back to their abusers. More than likely the mother knew the step father was an abuser and knows he killed her daughter. They both should be given the death penalty. They should be beaten to death live on TV for the world to see. They really can cry crocodile tears about these kids we had a case where I live and the same thing the parents were on TV talking about their missing son and the father killed him and he had been taken away for abuse too and given back to the parents. What a disgusting world we live in.

Part of the reason children are considered property is because of religion. Women only recently in the late seventies and through today are able to shake that wonderful title. Shame on everyone who failed that little girl. There are so many children out there suffering. Too bad god can't be bothered to help any of them.

Not sure why people care about abortion when we can't even protect the children who are already born and living through hell. Do they want more abused children in the world. Those who are never born are the lucky ones as this world really sucks.

I am told that god sees the abuse and cries. Well who the hell needs his tears? These children need help and the only relief they get is when they are killed. It is better this way they don't pass on the generational abuse to more children.

That case of vodka should last ron about a week. Kudos to him for buying in bulk.

If there was a SHTF scenario you would be screwed heather because you would not have access to your much needed medication. Think about all the people in the past who suffered from what you have who had no options for medication or getting help. What a mixed up world we live in where the randomness of the universe decides our fate in life. Date of birth, your parents, genetic anomolies and defects. So random and so pointless. I just don't get it.

Anonymous said...

Spanish speakers could be legal: Census shows:

Languages with more than a million speakers in 2017 were Spanish (41 million); Chinese (3.5 million); Tagalog (1.7 million); Vietnamese (1.5 million); Arabic (1.2 million); French (1.2 million); and Korean (1.1 million).

Lots of Spanish out there! Lots of legal people. Don't need to know English to be legal!

Heather Knits said...

EVERYONE raised in the American educational system (ie citizens) are taught fluent English and speak it preferentially. I read an article by a mexican man moaning and crying because immigrants stop using spanish within 3 generations of immigrating. I even see that in the kids next door - speaking English to each other and friends, only speaking spanish to their parents because they "have" to.

My experience says an only spanish speaker is likely illegal, at best visiting. Citizens are taught English in schools, at taxpayer expense.

Anonymous said...

I work with people of many backgrounds who’s first language is not English, and they are legal, and often the ones who share the same first language speak to each other in that language. Or they can be heard talking on the phone in their first language. I think it’s because it’s easier for them. So I agree with the other poster that it doesn’t mean they are illegal. But I agree with you Heather that people need to come here legally.

Anonymous said...

You. Can hook a keyboard into the laptop same as a mouse I have done both just hook it into the port

Anonymous said...

What if they legally immigrated here? Many probably are illegal but I do some lawn care work sometimes and have befriended lots of first gen Mexicans—they are born here and speak English or came here younger and speak English. All legal. (I won’t hire illegal). But when we have social stuff and I meet the parents they use Spanish.

I agree all kids should know English but adults it’s trickier.

You own Heather and do so much, don’t judge too harshly here.

But..: many probably are illegal. I’m also north more. That’s why it’s hard, we don’t know.

Anonymous said...

But enough about immigration!

(Sorry. Could’ve done one comment.)

Your workout stuff has jnspired me to hit the gym more. If you can rock it so can I.

Keep it up.

I can’t hate on anyone who deadlifts, we are in the same club :).

Heather Knits said...

@ Keyboard, oops, it is too late.

Next time I won't be so eager. It was over a decade old anyway so I will live without it.