Friday, March 1, 2019

Ron woke me up at 5 AM.

And I was totally fine with it because it was Biscuit - he was hungry, and begging for food.  He didn't come to me, but Ron. Ron had a couple drinks and thought it was a good idea to wake me up. 

Biscuit normally eats around 5, so it made sense.  I got up and fed him the special diet food.  He ate a little, looked at me, and gradually ate the rest.  The other cats were not interested. 

Antibiotic says take with food.  Vet says 1/4 cup food twice a day.  I have never pilled Biscuit.  I got the towel out just in case and we did it.  He was a very good boy, a little offended but forgave me quickly.  He went back to nibbling. 

I talked to Ron for a while (he was in a good mood, and alert, as he normally is in the middle of the night).  I told Ron he did exactly the right thing waking me up and it was OK to do it again.  After all, it was Biscuit.  We agreed he was our boy and we would do anything. 

I have a policy with Ron, if I see something good I let him know I appreciate it.  It's what I would want "Thanks for taking so long with dinner even though I didn't like it" - stuff like that.  So I told him I really appreciated his attitude regarding Biscuit, that I had done the right thing to take him in when I did and approve all the treatment.  I told him some guys wouldn't want to spend any money on Biscuit.  Ron was horrified and said he would never do that.  I believe him.  I thanked him again for being a good cat dad and loving them right.  He was a little abashed but glad I had said it. 

Then I went back to bed after supervising him giving treats to the girls, making sure Biscuit did not eat any.  Ron promised me he would only give treats when I was awake so we wouldn't have any worries. 

I was tired and went back to bed after checking my blood sugar.  I slept pretty well but I had a dream I had to give Biscuit his bladder medication.  I did.  So I got up to a nasty headache. 

I checked my blood sugar again, down 20 points, almost normal.  I drank a couple of diet Mountain Dews.  I read the directions on the bladder medicine (it relaxes the urethra).  It was a liquid, with a syringe.  .1 by mouth, twice a day.  I pulled up the dose, it reminded me of Ron's b-12.  It was clear, not red, but pulling the dose was very similar.. 

Biscuit was sleeping, innocently, in his cat condo by the front door.  I went over to him.  He said hello with his eyes and I dosed him!  That wasn't very nice!  And it tasted bad, based on his reaction.  I got him an extra bowl of water and put it near the condo.  He got up and sniffed it but didn't want any, then he came over and lay by my foot.  He's a good boy. 

He has been incredibly gracious about the medication.  Baby Girl the first was a garbage can rescue.  She had a lot of attitude and was a so-ugly-I'm-cute dilute calico.  She got in a fight and one eye was damaged.  We took her to the vet, with Ron in his wheelchair. 

The vet examined her and said she was blind in that eye.  He said most people would want him to put her down.  I pointed at blind Ron, still getting over his injuries, clearly a stroke victim in his wheelchair and said "I married him the way he is now, what do you think I want?" 

Doc went and got the eyedrops.  But Baby Girl hated them passionately and grew to hate me for administering them.  It was very sad to lose that bond.  She would hiss at me, hide, try to attack, she hated those drops so much. 

She was later poisoned by some "neighbors" I had been trying to help.  So I am always afraid to medicate my cats because they can take it badly.  I am not worried about them hurting me.  I am worried about them deciding they don't love me anymore. 

I think, these days, it helps that I also feed them, change the water, and clean the boxes.  I am clearly the parent who works for them.   Ron has been treat man (not any more, with Biscuit!).  But Biscuit, as I said, has been gracious. 

On some level he understands that I am doing this to make him feel better.  He didn't like his stay in the hospital, and who can blame him?  They prodded his bladder, expressed his penis, shot him full of dope, he woke up with a catheter.  Then pills and medicine shoved down his throat, a horrible new dry food to eat, exposed in his cage, etc.  That's not a good time for anyone. 

You don't want to know what it cost me.  All Ron has said is "We will have to build up savings".  That is it.  He has been entirely supportive. 

Ron can be a lot of things but he has been a champ in this and I really appreciate it, especially as he holds the bulk of the money in our relationship.  But he loves Biscuit and wants him well. 

That counts a lot in my book. 

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