Saturday, March 16, 2019


I have been listening more to my heavy metal playlist lately. 

Woke up exhausted, went to the warehouse.  Bought everything, got it to work.  Jack's wife has cancer, they got it all during the surgery a few months ago, but want her to do chemo. 

She is doing that but it wasn't an easy week for them.  I was on-board with Ron when he said he was paying more than the $40 we normally do (remember Jack loads and unloads, and drives us).  That got me out of the hostility mode and more into work mode. 

We went to work and did it all.  I saw flyers everywhere about something I can't talk about.  But Monday will be interesting. 

I let the other vendor know.  I am sure I was OK to do that. 

We had a long wait on our ride home, but, when it came, it was a straight trip.  I got Ron in the house, fed the cats (Biscuit said it'd been hours!), and took a nap.  I woke up to Biscuit in my bed.  I love having cats in my bed, they're very soothing. 

I used to have a lot of nightmares but they are always better with the cats around. 

I woke up to a headache, got up, drank a Diet Dr pepper.  That really didn't do the trick.  I got on the computer for a while.  Headache still persisted.  I drank some iced tea (I'm going to be up all night). 

I got out my new blood sugar meter.  It is from Walmart, the Relion Premier Compact.  It looked a lot like my old one, but smaller and not purple.  :( 

I like to test on my right hand after 12, left hand before.  It's just a little quirk and I try to spread the jabs around so I can keep testing. 

I got a pretty small drop and tried that.  Error 4.  Well, shit.  I tried it again.  Error 4.  Son of a...

OK, I was going to get out the Big Guns.  The left inside pinky always gives a huge drop.  93.  Ha!  Gotcha.  Then I cleaned up my mess.  I did have some blood on both hands (sounds like a heavy metal song "Blood on my hands"), I cleaned that up with a rubbing alcohol wipe.  Then I threw away the test strips and the wrapper for the alcohol wipe.  Now I feel comfortable using the meter. 

93 isn't a bad reading but I need to talk to a medical professional.  I am not happy with my morning readings.  Do I need Metformin?  Now the last thing I want is more pills but if I have any little tendency toward diabetes I want to stomp that like a roach before it gets out of hand. 

But I need an eye exam and new glasses.  I will have to decide which is more important and do that.  I can see fine, just a little squinty on the very small print. 

Once I cleaned up, I got out my pills and organizers, and did up 2 weeks of medication and supplements.  That took a while.  I take a lot of pills. 

The next time I see a doctor, I will need to provide a list of all the supplements and prescriptions.  And I am thinking about Metformin?  [rolleyes] 

I ordered some "pizza" - actually cheesy bread, some bread bites, and a Diet Coke (like I said, I expect to have a little trouble dropping off to sleep).  I ate all the bread bites, some cheesy bread, and am working on the Diet Coke.  Of course I took my pills in there too. 

My stomach felt a little battered before mealtime, so I took some ginger root.  I really like ginger root for my stomach.  It does the job with absolutely zero side effects.  If I can take a harmless supplement, I will do it. 

My meds are notorious for causing stomach upset.  Also supposedly other digestive issues, which I have never experienced. 

Biscuit is sitting on the floor by my foot, looking up at me. 

I know he's not hungry because I just fed him.  I think he is feeling a little insecure. 

I noticed our cats running out into their cage now and then, suddenly.  Today I looked out Ron's window and saw an ginger and white tabby strutting around in our backyard.  I looked at the cat cage and Biscuit was up on a shelf, crouched down, vocalizing.  I called him in, petted him, gave him lots of attention.  I told him no one is spending hundreds of dollars on the other cat, but I had for Biscuit and I felt he was worth every penny.  No one bought that kitty special food.. etc.  He seemed OK but maybe he is still worried. 

I always think the cats are worried I am going to adopt everything that comes in the yard.  The last couple cats have been solid, muscular, well groomed, healthy-coated toms.  They have a bad owner (should neuter) but they don't need me. 

Baby Girl had been dumped in the yard, and was starving.  Biscuit was starving and in the process of getting kicked to death.  They needed me.  Those other cats do not. 

It wouldn't be fair to mine, anyway, even assuming I could afford to feed and vet that many cats.  I don't think they would adapt to confinement easily.  And Biscuit has departed. 

Ron and I didn't really talk, but he did say something notable, how he hadn't talked about [the repetitive subjects that drive me nuts] today.  So apparently that stuck when I was yelling at him.  It was a load off my back.  We will see how long it continues. 

I may make a point of thanking him for it, every day he does not go on and on about God coming back, God is torturing him, etc.  I think that would be a very good idea. 

Dale Carnagie came up with that one: thank people for doing the things you want them to do, even if they haven't done it yet.  "Hey, Ron, thanks for going easy on me today with the God talk"

Now I am happy to talk about God, but hearing the same circuitous monologue about how God is a bad guy for "forcing us to play the stupid game" gets very, VERY old.  Just once it would be awesome to hear him say "Hey, Heather, why don't we pray for persecuted Christians, the unreached, etc." 

A girl can dream. 

A lot of parades in Houston this weekend, St Paddy's.  I told Ron I didn't want to go anywhere after work and he cancelled the trip he made.  I also told him I didn't want any rides tomorrow, because the main road near us is having a parade and it is always a mess. 

I did tell him I may go to the Waffle House on the bus.  There is a Waffle House on the bus line (pretty much, a short walk) and I could do that if I wanted.  My local bus will not intersect with the parade route. 

But it is always incredibly busy at the Waffle House on the weekends so I may just stay home.  [shrug]  I'll see. 

I do need to do laundry so I may just stay home if Ron is decent. 

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