Saturday, March 23, 2019


I was OK until I got up from my nap. 

I slept OK, we did our warehouse run and take it all to work.  We had the same guy we've been having every Saturday morning.  He took us to pick up a guy at a fancy apartment, and then take him to a housing symposium. 

I helped Ron a lot, but it was a hectic day.  It didn't help when I accidentally knocked a case of soda off a cart and a can exploded all over the floor.  I had to clean it all up. 

That's with helping Ron with urgent things like "I need another case of bottled water".  I put everything away, compacted it all.  Ron asked if I would have time for snacks and I laughed at him, not a nice laugh. 

But that's what happens when he does a short day.  We finished up and went out to wait on our ride.  He came pretty fast, a really nice man from Kenya.  We had a straight trip. 

We got home, I had a cheese stick, let Biscuit have a lick, and then took a nap.  Biscuit flopped on top of me.  He was adorable, I didn't care that he was crushing my foot into the mattress.   He's still a big boy even though he's lost weight. 

I do wonder if his skin will still hang down after he loses the weight, or will it retract?  We shall see. 

My alarm went off right about the time I fell asleep.  I thought about sleeping in a little, but a headache lurked so I got up, carefully pulling my foot out from under Biscuit, without disturbing him. 

Ron was not in his bed.  Where is Ron?  I found him near the kitchen, slumped over in his wheelchair, his phone on the floor.  I put the phone away.  He woke up on his own a couple minutes later and decided to go to bed.  I don't think that is a good call. 

Not if he wants to go get BBQ later.  Our ride comes in 10-15 minutes.  I just checked.  More like 20. 

He is very sluggish and sleepy.  I think this is a bad combination.  But maybe it will work out OK. 

Our ride was late, and then got stuck in traffic on the way.  We finally got there.  I ordered the pancakes.  Ron had ribs and chicken. 

Our ride home was on time, a nice guy.  We also had a straight trip and avoided a road Ron hates, that some use as a short cut to take us home. 

#8 is having a huge party, packs of children from toddler up to teenagers roaming the neighborhood, wandering around in my driveway, screaming conversation at each other for several minutes.  I looked out a couple of times.  One of those times they must have seen me because they moved on. 

I already cleaned the litter box earlier.  I just now cleaned the water fountain.  Baby Girl is crying to go out in the garage.  I let her out. 

Now I need to call my parents.  Oddly enough Youtube is playing "Master of Puppets". 

And they sent me to voicemail, an hour later a text saying let's talk tomorrow.  The trick for me is investing just enough into parental relationships.  Not expecting too much, having a lot of understanding, etc.  I just don't get the whole "Call us this one day and time" and then they are constantly busy.  Why not have me call a different day?  Do I "need" to talk to them?  No.  I remember a couple of times back in CA I would go so long between phone calls my Dad would call me.  I am trying to give respect. 

I don't know if I mentioned it, but I made another Walmart order, it is coming tomorrow.  I have room for new frozen foods since I cleaned out the freezer.  Ron has been talking a lot about my lentils.  I heated up the last bag last night for him.  He loved them. 

I told him I would make more if he wanted, and he said yes.  So I will probably make more lentils tomorrow for him, and freeze most of it.  He has a lot of food from today, he didn't touch his pork ribs, just worked on eating his chicken quarter.  He got a rib dinner in addition to that. 

I got pancakes and ate half, then checked my blood sugar 2 hours later.  Not great.  So I may not finish them.  I certainly don't want to eat something if it's harming me. 

But I got good things like yogurt, greens, etc. in my order.  Also more test strips so I can keep an eye on my sugar. 

Those kids with #8 are feral, they keep running wild, screaming and yelling, all over everyone's property.  And some of them are older teenagers.  I am so glad I locked up the cats. 

So, I did everything for the cats today.  Helped Ron at work, he said repeatedly I had been a big help.  Took Ron out to dinner so he could get his BBQ.  That took forever. 

But I saw a sign on the door they do Uber eats so that may work for us.  I will look into it. 

I think I will go to bed early tonight. 

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