Thursday, March 7, 2019

Grade A Cuddles (from Biscuit)

I didn't sleep well last night, but I seldom do the night before a soda delivery.  I was joined, however, by two cats.  Biscuit (who had forgiven me for my last dose of bladder medicine), and Torbie (who slept in her igloo, in my bed).  Biscuit wrapped himself around me as we slept together, I figured if I had to be up at least I had some grade A cuddles. 

He is absolutely worth every penny I spent on him and I'm very glad I took care of him.  If I hadn't taken him in, he would be decomposing somewhere.  Instead, he gave me sweet cuddles. 

I got up early (around 2:30 AM) and got ready for work.  I had a hard time getting up, though. 

I fed the cats, this is for you, that's for her, stood over them and policed them so they didn't poach each other's food..  I do that 3-5 times a day. 

Our ride came.  It was the usual route, they had already gotten the slow woman who works at the big facility near work.  She works security.  I don't see why they would have a slow person working security, that doesn't seem very safe. 

She always makes a big production of "sleeping" on the van.  It's time to go to work, get up already.  If the people in your house aren't letting you sleep, or encouraging you to go to bed early so you will get some sleep, then you should move into a group home or something. 

It just doesn't seem safe to me, a sleepy, slow, security officer. 

But first we had to get the guy who works where we do.  That was way out of the way, but we got him.  We dropped the other woman and then we went to work. 

When I went in, there was a huge (full page) note on Snack 1.  I had a look, something about people losing money.  I opened the machine and found a horrific coin jam. 

As it turns out, the 50 cent bandit hit our machine.  Surely, you know you cannot put a 50 cent piece into a vending machine?  But a woman did that to the other vendor last week and then this, today.  I got my tools, prayed a little as I worked, and got it all free. 

What a way to start my day!  I couldn't have done that if I was "sleepy".  I got the carts out and helped Ron with drinks.  We stocked. 

We finally got the delivery after a long wait.  We left pretty shortly afterward and went to the bank. 

Someone had left a ragged tote bag by the door of the bank.  It looked like a bomb and I even made a joke about it.  It made me very uncomfortable. 

I turned and focused on Ron, he needs help when he gets in/out of a vehicle and into/out of his wheelchair.  A man approached me.  He was carrying the tote bag, which he had apparently left outside while he went into the bank. 

He got up in my personal space and peered in the vehicle at Ron.  He asked me who Ron "was".  I said, my husband. 

I didn't want him bothering Ron, but the man had other plans.  He got closer to me and asked me for money.  I told him "I can't help you".  It has been my experience, dealing with hundreds of panhandlers, 1.  Don't pay them any attention and 2.  If they do start bothering you, say no firmly and ignore them. 

He got even more in my space, but I continued to ignore him, focused on Ron.  He got very angry but I reached for my cell phone and he left. 

I didn't owe him anything.  But a lot of panhandlers see me helping Ron and assume I am an easy mark, that someone who would help Ron will, of course, be happy to give them a $20 I earned by getting up at 2 AM and going to work. 

Not.  Quite. 

I finally found the security guard, he was texting.  [rolleyes]  Figures.  If he had been paying attention he would have seen the bag left by the door, and the guy bothering other customers.  Ugh. 

If I had employees that would really aggravate me, if they were always texting and talking on the phone.  I would expect them to put it away and do the work I'm paying them to do.  Should I ever interview for another job I will emphasize I would never talk/text at work unless I was on a break. 

We went in.  I was a little nervous when I saw the new teller.  Two times ago, the teller shorted us $100, Ron blew a gasket (rightly) and they credited his account that night.  Instead of counting the money and leaving it on the counter, she put some of it in a drawer, then she said "Oh, this is all you brought me" pointing at what was left on the counter.  Still not sure if it was deliberate; but she just didn't inspire confidence.  She is no longer there. 

The last one was rather confused by the whole process of counting the money, again, didn't inspire confidence.  But I told myself, "Don't judge" and this one was great.  I would like to have her again.  We finished up pretty quick. 

Ron called Arturo but he was a ways off, so we called Alex.  Alex was there pretty quick.  We went through a drive through and went home. 

I fed the cats again (Biscuit is all done with his medicine), and stood over them while they ate.  Then I had to help Ron with something.  I remember thinking this is what a human mother must feel like, always eating cold food after helping everyone else.  Eventually I got everyone settled and ate my food. 

I took "everything" except my antioxidants.  It was a big handful, let me tell you.  But I had bacon cheese fries and a bacon cheeseburger.  I didn't finish the burger and put it away. 

Then I took a nap.  Biscuit joined me again (nice cuddle!) and we slept for a few hours, then got up around 3.  I watched some TV and got on the computer. 

I fed the cats again (common theme?) and found Ron passed out in the kitchen.  He woke up and went back to bed. 

Then he couldn't find his phone.  I looked, and found it in 3 pieces on the floor.  I gave it to him and he reassembled it.  I (not very nicely) told him if he was going to drink in the kitchen he should have one drink and roll himself out of there, that sitting there knocking back one drink after another was just an all around bad idea. 

Maybe he will listen.  We'll see. 

He didn't want to do anything tomorrow so I am not sure what I might do.  It may rain so that would keep me home. 

I am glad Biscuit is done with his medication but a little worried he will have a flare.  But I have to have faith that God loves him more than I do, and, as long as I am feeding him correctly, he should be fine. 

Ron mentioned my idea of putting cat food in a baggie and feeding it as "treats".  I think that would be a good idea as Biscuit's food has a very different shape from the other food.   Ron could tell that apart. 

That's it for now. 

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