Thursday, March 28, 2019

Oh, it was a long day

I couldn't fall asleep last night and only got a few hours' sleep.

I got up, slept in a little so I didn't have much time.  I put on my work boots.  They were comfortable in the store, then I put inserts in them, they were AWFUL.  I took the inserts out again and tried them today.  They worked out very well and no pain at all with hours on my feet in heavy workboots.

I made sure Ron was OK, helped him dress.  Our ride was right on time.  We rode with the princess, who likes to sleep on the van.  If your family is not letting you sleep, you are working and contributing to the household, time to move out and get a place where you can sleep.  But doing this whole dramatic I'M SLEEPING thing is just prima donna.

I am certain I got far less sleep than her but I was ready to go when the ride arrived.

We rode around for a while, picking up and dropping off, finally got to work.  We had a guy onboard who works where we do.  He doesn't ever give the driver his badge to get through the gate, but he wants us to do it.  He is rather obnoxious and I can't handle much of him.  But I only see him for about an hour once a month.

So we got to work and I told the driver to go to visitor parking, because the way they have the parking now it is impossible to let us off near the door.  He had a tantrum, kept demanding we go through the gate.  I should have said "Let us off at visitor parking and then he will let you through the gate" - because he wouldn't.  He kept demanding "reasons" I wanted to go to visitor parking.

Considering he is riding the service and has no apparent disability, I can only assume he has some sort of brain problem.  He was acting like it, this morning, almost autistic.

We all got let off at Visitor Parking and he went bounding off.  We won't see him for another month.  I pushed Ron in the building.

When we got to our area (it's a walk) I found one of our vending machines jammed.  It has a clear glass door.  I wasn't upset about that, but I make a point of ALWAYS letting the other vendor know when one of her machines isn't working so she can make plans to deal with it.  She had to walk past that vending machine, with a clear glass door, several times at least yesterday and never called us once.

We have fixed this problem.  Ron and I are going to give our numbers to some custodians who are often in the area, they can look and call us if there is a problem, we can comp them a drink or snack now and then.   They will be reliable.

And I am going to stop calling the other vendor.  She never seems to want the calls anyway.

I stopped everything and fixed the jam.  Later on I fixed another machine, as well.  I got the carts and went to work.  Ron was in a bad mood for a while, then he went to depressed, which is a lot easier for me to deal with.

He wanted to go out in the fire exit hall, so I took him.  He brooded in there by himself while we waited on the delivery.  He called and found out the name of the driver.

Hours before the other guys would show, this guy showed up.  I was so happy to see him.  He couldn't have been better.  Our last delivery we had a hustler who wanted to give us a "special" deal.  No thanks!  This guy just did his job well, very friendly and personable.  He remembers us, says we "always take care of (him) and are very nice".  I thought that was sweet and did my best to live up to it.

He left, I finished snacks (about 15 minutes) and told Ron we could go.  A while back we decided we would always call Arturo or some other cab when we have a Dr Pepper delivery.  The times can be very erratic since Keurig bought the company and we don't want penalty marks for adjusting the time late, or having to wait around for hours after we are done.

It is better for us to just call and pay to go home when we're ready.  So we did that and went home.

I ate a snack, fed the cats (not in that order), helped Ron, and took a nap.  I woke up around 1 PM so plenty of time left in the day.  Ron's going to pay me pretty soon so I need to figure out what I am doing with my money this pay period.  I need to pay for doc and medication, plus autopays.  Ideally I will also get blood tests - I have money saved for that.  Then I need to put some money in my account for delivery/internet purchases.

It all really depends on what the pills are without insurance.  I don't think it will be bad but could be $100-200.  But that is for 3 months.  Oh, and I need to save some money for the cats' vet visit in July.

I am a little stiff from my workout yesterday but not bad.  I could clomp around in work boots and do all my duties today with no problem, so I think this is the right pace to take for a while.  I plan to get on the exercise bike today when I finish blogging and check my blood sugar.

Baby Girl has stopped eating the Blue Wilderness and keeps trying to eat the other cats' Royal Canin food.  I may buy her some 7+ adult cat formula.  That would require a trip to the pet store but I can pay Chuck to take me to the pet store and Walmart and get that done.

We see the pain doc Monday and get some answers on Ron's back.  I will go with whatever Ron wants to do short of surgery.  I am not willing to play the support role for him after back surgery, again.  Not unless it is an emergency.  Last time was a nightmare, trying to care for him and run the business, take care of myself.  Not to mention all the money it cost!  Everyone was sending us a bill.  I was writing checks for weeks.

But we will get answers.  Ron does pretty well with just the pain pills and magnets so I would stick with that.  Hopefully Ron would agree with me.

Doc also gives injections, I saw his assistant drawing them up and it looked awful.  No thank you.  But Ron may decide he wants to do it.  It's his body.  I will offer opinions, I always do.  But I won't tell him what to do.

Later on, I plan to cook some sloppy joes.  I got a BBQ flavor from Walmart, we will see how that goes.  It should be pretty easy to prepare even though I'm tired.  Ron will probably be asleep for hours.

That's it for now.

Edit: Did 10 minutes (not counting the warm up) intervals on the exercise bike.  My legs feel a little worked but not achy.  Since I have a life to live I can't go blast it and stagger around aching for days like I used to. 

I also caught Baby Girl eating Biscuit's food again.  I surrender.  I called Chuck and arranged a ride to the pet store to buy her some of her own Royal Canin.  Then we can run to Walmart and get my other stuff, my bank for deposit, etc. 

Ron was rather offended I asked Chuck for help first.  I told Ron he has a proven track record of not wanting to shop with me and wanting to stay home as much as possible.  He couldn't argue. 

He is just lucky both Chuck and I are moral people. 

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